Saturday, January 9, 2010

Should i let my husband have so much liberty?

I am 19 years old and my husband is 21 we have been married for 6 months and he wants to sometimes go out with his friends, i dont think is right because we just got married and i want him to be home with me. when he goes out he comes home early but i still get mad when he doesnt take me. Now he stoped going out but i wonder Im wrong for doing this?? or is this how it should be? what should i do?Should i let my husband have so much liberty?
im 17 and married,i love how you being young has anything to do with your husband going out. People are so stupid!

Neway, my husband and i have a rule, the only time we go out without each other is when the other cant go. (work, tired, w.e)

if you dont feel comfortable with him going out by himself, try to talk to him! You guys are newlyweds so I totally understand!

Its natural for you to want him for yourself !!

I personally dont think its right for him to be at the bar or club, but maybe at a friends watching sports or something i could understand.

My husband and i had a long talk before we got married and went over what was ok with us!

I think its time for you guys to do the same!!

Good Luck and congratulations!!!! I think its awesome your married young, you have the rest of your lives together!!!!!!

Just to add my husband doesnt hangout with any single men, we thought that woulb be another good thing so we are both comfortable!Should i let my husband have so much liberty?
If you continue to stifle your husband by ';chaining'; him to you 24 hours a day and not allow him to have friends outside of your marriage you run the risk of having him dislike you and more. Marriage is supposed to be a partnership. That means that he should be able to continue to see his friends so long as he respects you and spends time with you as his primary but he can interract with friends as well. By the same token there is no reason why you can't continue to see your girlfriends so long as you don't do so at the exclusion of your husband. You'll have your time with each other too. You just have to manage your time like every other married couple.
No, you are not wrong for feeling the way you do. Long-term marriages are successful when couples do everything on weekends as a couple. He's trying to have it all--married benefits and a bachelor's weekend.

But you are newlyweds, so it will probably take a little time for him to sever the male friendships he has. However, be aware that if his friends are still single, he is going to be put in some awkward situations. The more is gets out with his buddies on the weekend, the more he's going to feel like a bachelor again, and that's not healthy for a married man.

Keep wearing him down, and keep a close eye on him. Don't let him go out when you intuition tells you that there could be trouble where his friends are going. Long-term, he should be able to get out with guy friends less than a dozen times per year, but even then, most of his guy friends need to be married as well.
I am not being mean here, but if you don't know the answer to this you had no business getting married to begin with. I know from my own experience that getting married, having children are really the biggest things in most people's lives. People who get married as young as you have, have a fairytale approach to marriage. Little cottage, white picket fence and all. But the reality sets in sooner or later it does not work that way. You are already treading in dangerous waters with the inference in your question about YOU giving him liberty. You are not over him nor he you. But it is a partnership. You state he does not stay out late and he only wants to go out sometimes, you should count your blessings. Now, what would you think or feel if it was you wanting to go out with your friends and he got all upset? You two fell in love with the persons you are. don't try and change each other and don't try and control each other! If you push this, he will resent you and start pulling away from you.
I understand that you are newly married but you have to understand too that a man needs his friends just as much as a woman needs hers. They love you and they come home to you but they need that alone time and even though you may not realize it now you will want that girl time as well. My husband is a homebody but every now and then one of his friends will ask him to go out and the first thing he does is ask me if that is alright. I trust him and love him very much and as long as he doesn't lie to me about where he is going then I don't care what he does. A strong relationship has to have trust and communication or it will eventually fall apart. Give him this time alone with just the guys until he proves that he can't do it. Don't limit him because if you do it will push him farther away a little at a time. You are young and so is he and I am willing to bet there is a little dis trust between the two of you and that is probably why you feel that it is not right to go out with the guys. There should be no problem as long as it is not a every night thing. Good Luck
you need to let him go out. Obviously you got married to young and didnt realize that just because you are married does not mean that you cannot have friends and have nights out with those friends. You husband has every right to go out without you and you have every right to go out with ur friends. If you make him stay home all the time he is going to start getting pissed about it. I mean he comes home early, he doesnt come home trashed, he isnt cheating on you so what is the issue with him going out?
You haven't been married long enough to figure out how to live with each other and yet you are trying to conceive...Good luck with that.

He's right to want to go out with his friends. He is himself outside of your marriage...Marriage doesn't mean you stop being who you are or stop hanging out with friends or stop watching movies your wife doesn't like. It means you commit to another person - not submit yourself over to their every whim.

Until you can figure that out - stop trying to make a baby - a baby will rip apart an already troubled marriage.
You should give him some freedom but a good leeway. Always ask him to text you or call you on where he is and who he is with, and when he is coming home. Don't get too paranoid because a lot of times men get scared away that way. You just got married and I understand that there are insecurities. When he doesn't take you just be calm and ask him the details and try to look in to what he says. It helps a lot with your judgment. If he stopped for you, good for both of you. Just trust him and try to make the most of building a healthy and happy marriage.

I'm no psychologist but this is out of seeing other peoples many mistakes.
You both are going to have to compromise. You don't want to suffocate him by not letting him ever go out with friends. However, he is married now and can't go out all the time like he is single again.

The answer is to find other COUPLES to do stuff with. That way, you both get to have fun and spend time with each other. But you should have time with your friends and he should have some time with his friends.

You will have a lifetime together and you just have to work through problems like this all the time if you are going to make it.
You're being to strict...he has a right to go out sometimes with his say he's home early and all and that he's even stopped going out're being way to strict, the poor guy in only should go out with your own friends too...and let him go out with his friends......Also, I warn you that he'll eventually get tired of you being a pain in the ***...
I got married young and honestly I know how it is to want to spend all your time with him, but you can't have him cut them off completely. It will make him resent you and possibly regret his decision. Let him go Once in a while. As long as he's home at a reasonable time. I think it'll be good for you both. Sometimes short absences does make the heart grow fonder.Don't you have friends too?
everybody is different, some like to be attached at the hip and others don't both relationships work which one are you? which one is he? I can't say for sure this is going to cause issue that lead to bigger problem but these things all add up. I think there is more behind this story to be honest, perhaps that is why you two got married so young, before you have completely grown and understand what you want to focus on for a life. What is so wrong with either one of you having personal time with friends?
I think he has a right to have guys night without you.

As long as its not every nite of the week, then I don't see a problem with forcing him to be home with you. Let the man have some friends... its healthy to have friends and a social life outside of marriage. Its unhealthy to completely rely on your spouse for all your social interactions.
Why don't you call up a girlfriend, join your husband and his friends for outing. Go as a couple and plan outings like amusement parks, get some bikes or go house hunting. Also check for activities in your area, use the web to find some. Cook a dinner for two. Heck make a baby. Be creative you both are young have fun and enjoy each other.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with your hubby spending time with his friends, nor you with yours. it is important to have some alone time in a relationship. i assume you trust your husband and his love for you, so letting him ';out'; from time to time should not be a bit stressful for you.
at this age this is completely normal. let him do what he wants. if you stop him he will get frustrated and start to hate you. a man at age 21 is not supposed to sit at home. he should do it now, rather than at age of 37 with children isn't it?
you need to let him have time with his friends too. agree on one nite of the week for guys nite but not on the weekends those should be for the two of you to spend together. and on other side you should have girls nite to go out with your friends too
Wow since you guys are so young this is going to be a tough road. I would still encourage him to go, but i would also let him know that you are also coming. I think its ok for him to have his guy time, but that doesn't mean the bar. Just my opinion though
Guys need a little guy time to stay mentally healthy. If he's home early and it's just once in a while I don't think you have any right to complain.
Do you have friends you go out with? If you don't, maybe you should start doing that, so you feel some fairness here.

Hold on to him too tight, and you'll lose him because he will come to resent you.
This won't last long.

You both still get to be people, you know. Individuals. Not two parts of the same animal.

Keep your own life. If you spend every moment together, what the hell will you have to talk about?
Maybe you should try to have nights where you know that you will BOTH be going out - with different groups of people. That way he can go out with his friends and you won't feel left out.
Let him have one night a week with his friends, and you go with yours the same night. Any more than that is too much.
You got married way too young!
just let him go don't you trust him
sure !!!
well that depends in what kind of friends he go out with
Speaking as someone who got married really young- I used to feel the same way. My husband always had a Night out with the boys but when he wanted to go out 3+ nights a week, I started getting annoyed and asked him to make an effort to spend more time at home.

His solution was valiant, and he stopped going out at all, trying to be committed to our marriage. I immediately felt guilty because I hadn't asked him not to go out at all, but that's what he did.

Trust me, it didn't take long at all before he resented me- a lot! He got really depressed being home all the time and isolated from his friends, and it was my fault because he was only staying in to make me happy.

We ended up having a really long talk about both sides of what happened, and he started going out again 1-2 nights a week. He was happier- and I was happier too. I hated seeing him that way, and it wasn't fair. Our was more of a Mis-Communication- but the effects can still be devastating. Don't make that same mistake. A new marriage has it's own difficulties, and marrying young only makes for more... pick your battles, or no matter how much you love each other- your marriage will suffer.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!
Hell no you are not wrong. But....umm he is young...and wants to guys were too young to get married anyways.
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  • 1 comment:

    1. My Life can be very displeasing especially when we loose the ones we love and cherish so much.My husband abandoned me and my 2 kids for 2 years he said he wanted new adventures.I asked what i had done wrong but he said nothing.He continued paying our bills but moved in with another woman i was so frustrated and a times i will cry all night because i needed my husband by my side. all thanks to, i was nearly loosing hope until i saw an article on how master Meze cast a love spell to make lovers come back. There is no harm in trying, i said to my self. i contacted him via email> and after 24 hrs my story changed. words will not be enough to appreciate what he has done for me. i have promised to share the testimony as long as i live because he brought back happiness and joy into my life.If you having any kind of problem in your relationship and you need your man back i RECOMMEND Prophet Meze .please do contact him directly on, Email him on;, my husband live to work in UK he will be coming home for Christmas so happy,thanks to prophet once again........Marian Smith from USA.
