Saturday, January 9, 2010

How can my new husband get Perental Responsability of my children please ?

I am married and have 2 children from my ex husband who wants nothing to do with my children and has had no contact for over 3 years...he has PR as we were married at the time of there birth, but I want my new husband to have PR as he has been a good daddy to my children and think of him as there daddy, please can any one help ? thank you :0)How can my new husband get Perental Responsability of my children please ?
Your current spouse has to offer to adopt your children, and you two have to get your ex's consent for him to do so. Since he doesn't have any contact and this would get him out of having to pay child support I can't imagine he'd say no. Then go fill out the paperwork and go have the court hearing (or however they do it in your county and state).

Then he'll be their dad :-) Good luck, sweetie--you sound like a charming familyHow can my new husband get Perental Responsability of my children please ?
Your children's biological father must sign over his rights to the new father.

Just tell him that if he does not sign over his rights, you will file for child support. By the way, you are not entitled to child support once he signs over his rights to allow your husband to adopt them.

Also, if something happens between you and your new husband, he could try to take the children away from you are get joint custody.
I have the same problem I want to adopt my step daugther because her mother is worthless, she is refusing now but I know she is running from child support and soon she will give up her PR that is why I put her on child support to make her give up her rights. Good luck is the best way I can think off... without having to go to court to get the PR taken away by a judge. Is being three years I think that could work too consult a lawyer.. Again good luck.
The real father can give up his PR and your husband can then adopt them. Just ask any family attorney.

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