Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why does my husband fall asleep within 5 minutes of hitting the pillow?

Whilst it takes me an hour or so. Which frustrates me even more! Why does my husband fall asleep within 5 minutes of hitting the pillow?
We have the same problem. I have always suffered from a mild form of insomnia.

I have on occasion taken over the counter sleep meds to help but basically I have to keep going until I am 'bobble headed' and completely exhausted.

The general rules are avoid caffeine, don't exercise or eat within 3 hours of trying to go to sleep.

You could talk to your doctor about prescription medicineWhy does my husband fall asleep within 5 minutes of hitting the pillow?
Why would you be frustrated that your husband falls asleep faster than you? That's not a good reason to become frustrated with him. You should ask yourself what's the real reason you're frustrated with this man, and also why you can't seem to get to sleep when you want to?

You seem to have a lot of cares on your shoulders and they're expressing themselves through trivial things that don't matter. You may want to not to get little attitudes with him(if this is the case at all) about things he has no control over. It's not a big deal really! Just talk to him about the major issues that are on your mind, and focus on all the things you love about him as opposed to what you feel are his minor flaws! Hopefully talking it over will help you get to sleep better! Good luck!
According to all that i have seen and read, it should take a healthy peron who gets enough sleep 10-20 min to fall alseep at night. If your husband is falling asleep that quickly, most health experts would say he is sleep deprived.

';However, there are ways to tell if you are sleep-deprived without going to a sleep clinic. Experts say that needing an alarm clock in order to wake up is a sign that you are sleep deprived. Another is falling asleep within five minutes of your head hitting the pillow unlike well-rested people who tend to nod off after 10 to 15 minutes. ';

Nah - there's more to it than he's just tired. I'm the same way - I can just completely relax and fall asleep almost anywhere, any time - even if I'm not particularly tired. The only time that I can't is if I'm REALLY stressed, but that's not very often. He's just secure and comfortable.
It's not him you should worry about. Get your doc to send you to a sleep lab to find out what it is that is keeping you awake. You are frustrated because someone you love is able to sleep? Isn't that a little odd to you? Are you fighting and you want him to suffer too? Get help and leave him out of it.
I'm like you and I hate it. If you get 8 hours sleep you WILL sleep the next night at the same time. If you are deprived of sleep you will find it harder to sleep since your cycle is messed up. Get your 8 hour of 7 hour sleep and you should be fine.
cause guys do not have that much going on in their heads as women do. They do not constantly think about stuff and what they have to do or think over the day and what happened. That is what my doc says anyway. LOL! Men are more relaxed then us women.
I think it's a man thing! my hubby is the same i think they just switch off better than us girls, we lay a wake thinking of all the things that have gone on or that we need to do where as they dont.
he is probably more tired if he falls asleep a lot faster. If he has had a hard day he will drop off quite quick, especially if his work is physically demanding!
He is tired. I work 12 hour shift and usually sleeping soundly within 1 minute. Its total mental and physical exhaustion.
Same for takes me ages to get to sleep but my sister, for example, falls asleep asap. I think its just a body thing some people just cant fall asleep quickly but oh well.
hes stress out from other problems and hes tierd of those problems which makes him more exhausted. releave some of the stress off his mind. DO IT TO HIM the naughty thing lol
because men are not worry warts like woman are. We have too much buzzing around in our heads. I am the same way. I take half a dose of Tylenol Pm and I'm out in 15 minutes.
He's just plain lucky, mine does the same, I don't usually fall asleep till 1 or 2 o'clock.
He's tired.

The end.

That's why people fall asleep.
If he works more and harder than you, then he's probably more tired.
most men are like that, it's because men are heavier sleepers than women
If this is the biggest problem you have, you don't have any. That's childish.
physical labor will do that
He is tired.
If the man works all day then that ';duh'; is probably why!
You sound boring....would put me to sleep too.
he might be tired from work or have alot of stress

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