Saturday, January 9, 2010

How to get my husband in the mood?

My husband and I do not have sex that often.I am 24 years old and he is 37 and he tells that he is just not that interested. I find that hard to believe. I have tried talking and I have tried a little bit of starting it myself, but I just don't know what to do anymore. I know that sex is not all of a relationship, but it does affect it. Please help me.How to get my husband in the mood?
Sex is one of those things that the less you have it, the less you want it.

So, because you two weren't having it that often, he felt like it less and less. Does that make any sense?

YOUR task is to get him interested again, and you might have to do that gradually. Why gradually? Because he is not that interested in the thought of it!

An e-book at website helped couple friends get their ';spark'; back again - it might help yours. It doesn't cost a lot but seemed right on the money to get back that warmth and intimacy. It suggested things that brought them back to feeling ';together with each other and wanting each other';, but it did it in a gradual way.

Also, don't go all out bugging him for it all the time, or you may make it worse by putting undue pressure on him. Good luck.How to get my husband in the mood?
You really need to talk together about this issue. Your still a young vibrant woman, and your sexual peak is quickly approaching. If he has no interest in your sexual needs, then you both have some serious issues to address in this relationship. Sex is a major component in all marriages, and the loss of, or lack of will cause tensions and problems down the road. Maybe you could work out date nights in which you both can do something new and exciting together, to regenerate that spark in your marriage. You may need to roll play some activities in the bedroom, that will also spice up the action. Good luck to you and your husband.
You are right sex is not everything in a relationship. And just like air isn't everything you need to live take away water and see how long you can go before you have problems. Sex is the same way in a relationship. There is some underlying problem. Talk to him find out how much he would like to have in a week in a month.

If you asked my wife how often she would like to have sex she would say 2 to 3 times a week. ask me 5 to 7 times a week. But we compromise and we some times have sex 5 times a week sometimes 3.
just stop looking like you are desperate...i'd suggest to you that you stop mentioning sex in front of your husband and keep a stop on it for a while...start acting as if you are not interested anymore either.

the possible reactions to this is going to be that (add an air of carelessness in your attitude but don't over do it)

1)your husband will get curious...

2)it will make him think more about your new attitude...and he'll start fantasizing...

3)when he starts thinking a lot about you and your carelessness it will start stimulating him...(develop a new interest if he still does have libido) and it depends on you when to break the ice. But remember not to over do it...
This is probably because your husband has reached that point in life where his sexual peak is declining or has already declined. The best thing that he could probably do is get some Viagra. Talk to him about it. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. It works and that's why it sells. In addition you could try putting on some sexy outfits, flirting with him. Even suggest role playing to him. If he turns it down, you could always order the Viagra, crunch it up, and slit it into his portion of his food. I know, it's not a honest or good idea. But, it could re-unit the spark and get him in the mood.
Has your husband felt that way since you got married? Talking about it is good and not interested is not an answer to a serious question. There more going on with him then that and one should step on this lightly, you don't want him to feel as if he cant talk, stop asking for a while and find out whats going on with him inside. You can do little things for him that show him you were thinking about him, little post notes, breakfast in bed/ or cup of coffee. body rubs using lotions until he falls asleep. picnic in the living room watching one of his favorite movies things like that. But you should have other things that keep you busy that your focus isn't always on or about him. Go out with girls, read a book while he watching t.v. work out in the yard, take a class or join a gym or a club. Show interest but not. things will turn around.
If he won't get some viagra, find a guy like me who's wife has lost all interest in sex and have a mutually satisfying affair. Sex is a very important part of a relationship. If you're other wise happy, don't give everything up for this one aspect.
Get yourslef a soft and fluffy white robe. After supper one night, take a shower and put on a little perfume.

I find a freshly showered woman that smells nice and is wearing an easily accessible all white robe to be completely irresistable.

Look out baby!
if hes not interested in u thats a big problem but if hes still affectionate and shows u he loves u in other ways then i wouldnt worry so much,but if he is completley just not interested in you then hes going to look else where to get his,find out if hes having an affair
not interested in what?? well if he is still interested in you get some cute lingere high heels and a stripper pole do your hair and makeup sit him in a chair and tell him to get his dollars out and go from there
try buying some nice new lingerie and set the mood in the, satin bed sheets, wine...use your imagination...that might help a little...good luck.
you need to find out why he,s not interested and work on that hopefully he,s not cheating on you ?

good luck
Does he have a pulse,i am 40 and still have a healthy sex drive
I'll do it with you.
why did you marry such an old man?

take his *** to a doctor...

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