Saturday, January 9, 2010

What did my husband mean by this comment?

We are separated and he lives with his mom. He has told me he doesn't love me anymore, but I think he is a liar.

He said ';Do you think we will get back together?';

Me: Nope.

Him: If you don't think we will get back together then why are you still talking to me?

Whats that supposed to mean? Does he want to?What did my husband mean by this comment?
He does not believe that you are truly gone. He thinks, and probably rightfully so, that you are still talking to him because you know you will eventually get back with him but are not done punishing him for whatever wrongs you feel he has done, actual or percieved.What did my husband mean by this comment?
He is confused and thinks he is being lead on because you are still talking to him. He is testing the waters by asking, and probably doesn't believe your answer, much the same way you don't believe his. My guess, is that if he even asked that he still wants you. Looks like the ball is in your court and you need to decide your next move and think about what you really want. Then open a serious dialogue of communication with him.

Hope this helps!

BTW-Don't listen to half of these angry women on here. It sounds like there are some ';bitter big'uns'; who had a bad experience or two and think all men are pigs. Its not the case, so try to keep an open mind while making your decision.
it sounds like he wants to know your intentions. He may be checking to see if you have any hope even if it is false. If he told yo he does not love you why do you think he would be lying? I don't know your situation but when someone says they don't love the other person anymore most likely they are telling the truth, as much as that will hurt.
He's asking you point blank why you are hanging on. Apparently he hasn't the guts to tell you its quits, he wants you to do it.

So do it, end it and stop talking to him. Have your divorce lawyer talk to him, or have the sheriff serve him his papers. Either way get on with it, you are wasting your time.
It sounds like you are both challenging each other. If he asked, then he is curious. You saying NOPE means yes because you are on Yahoo answers seeing what other people think. I think he wants to hear a maybe or something out of you. If you really mean NOPE, then you should be direct with him and give him the reasons why so he is not wondering what the future holds.
it could mean anything hun, what u guys need to do is just tell the truth about how u guys feel about one another, and stop playing mind games, if u still love the man and want it to work with him then just say so, and vice versa w/him too. If not then move on, and forget him.
Probably but why he said he does not love you anymore. Sounds like the type of guy that needs a mom instead of a wife. Those are words that cut like a knife I would never forgive my husband for saying that to me...
It means he's f**king with your head. Dump his sorry butt and find someone who doesn't go running back to his mommy everytime he has a fight with you. If you think he's a liar, he probably is.
ZI think he is fishing to see what your feelings are. Just based on those comments it could be either way, most likely he is having feelings about you still.
he doesn't want to live with mom but he OBVIOUSLY needs to grow up... quite a bit. I would start with living arrangements if I were him. Let him go. you are talking to him, I assume, due to unresolved issues
let him go, bottom line. maybe he wants u to let go and u just wont. he's told u he doesn't love u and maybe he doesn't?!! leave him alone and move on.
yeah he is trying to mess with your head! he is just trying to make you want him back and then dump you! just don't talk to this mamma's boy!
When he's done he's done and he is wondering why you aren't this way.
I have no idea
nah hes just a poor rat whose tryin to make sure he has another hole to crawl into...

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