Saturday, January 9, 2010

Would it bother you if you found out your boyfriend or husband donated sperm to a sperm bank?

Would it bother you if found out your boyfriend or husband had donated sperm to a sperm bank? That would mean your children would have brothers or sisters that you may never meet. That may mean 15 to 20 years from now a mysterious sperm baby will come looking for your boyfriend or husband. On the other hand, people who go to sperm banks need help procreating. Is there some nobility in donating sperm?Would it bother you if you found out your boyfriend or husband donated sperm to a sperm bank?
I would have serious issues with it. I've been married to my husband 10 years now. All his sperm is mine! I couldn't deal with my kids having half siblings running around out there. On the other side, I'd never donate eggs. When I married him, I expected that any children would be only ours. I can't imagine it any other way. I'd also not want a child that was biologically mine or his raised by anyone other than us.Would it bother you if you found out your boyfriend or husband donated sperm to a sperm bank?
I agree with Wanna-Be-Mommy... I wouldn't have a problem with it if he did it years before he met me. I think there is some nobility in donating sperm, as you put it. BUT, if he announced that he did this while we were together, I would have huge problems with it. Hubby and I are trying to conceive right now and donated eggs or sperm are not an option for us. But that's a personal decision to be made by each couple.

You can't hold someone's past over their heads, but what happens when you're together is a GROUP decision.

Interesting question!
i would be mad if he didnt talk to me about it first but if it was something he really wanted to do to help someone out and he came to me with the idea first then i wouldnt be mad. i would understand that people out there need help and if he was able and willing to help, why not. but if he just did it to earn some cash and didnt tell me, then yes i would be mad.
I am married and have been for 1 1/2 years now. If I suddenly found out my husband had donated sperm to a sperm bank I think I would be shocked at first but after letting it sink in I would probibly be quite all right with it. There are so many couples out there that have problems concieving or possibly are a lesbian couple that can ONLY concieve using donated sperm.... It's an honor, like donating your eggs....
Yes it would bother me. Not sure why but it would be weird and I wouldn't like the idea.
Heck yeah I would be mad if my husband donated his sperm. Especially without consulting me first. I think that any normal person would feel this way. Why would he donate his sperm? I guess people do it for money so that could be the reason. I personally couldnt go to a sperm bank and have a total strangers sperm inserted inside me. It just seems disgusting.
Me personally, I would be pissed. I couldnt even imagine my boyfriend having children with anyone but me.
Personally, I would have a problem with it. My boyfriend would have kids out there somewhere, and that thought bothers me.
Tough question! It would certainly bother me if my husband did donate sperm while we were together... I would probably stew on it a lot if he'd done it before we met though too. WOW... this is really a tough one. I think I would have to say yes. It would bother me.
I'd be more angry about it if we were together when he did it than if he did it before I even knew him. I'd still be a little bothered by it though, I think.
I would be upset becasue that would mean other women would be having his baby in a way
Yeah, I would have a big problem with it, especially if he hadn't discussed it with me first! Now if it was done before we got together, then it would be different.

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