Saturday, January 9, 2010

How do i stop wanting to always cheat on my husband? Im constantly looking and craving for an outside affair?

I have a serious sex drive for married men only. Ive never cheated with a man who was not married.. I dont know.. its like a hormonal drug addiction to me...I crave it, i crave the sex from a married man.. i dont know why.. i dont understand it.. i know its wrong but has anyone else ever had such a powerful drive to do this?How do i stop wanting to always cheat on my husband? Im constantly looking and craving for an outside affair?
It's power.

You are doing this to prove to yourself you can do anything. You are attempting to ';punish'; your husband in your mind by proving that he doesn't own you, can't control you, etc.

You are seriously messed up. Sorry to put it so bluntly, but you are a user. You use people. You use your husband. You use these men (who are also guilty - but those are their own personal demons). You are an abusive power freak.

You are either being a power freak in this respect because it's in your nature, OR - you feel you are powerless in other areas of your life and are using this to compensate for them.

In either case, get yourself into a therapist before all hope of leading a good life is lost.

EDIT to ';Just Me';

Swinging is not about people who can't control their impulses. My wife and I are swingers and I promise you the vast majority of swingers would not recommend or approve of this at ALL.How do i stop wanting to always cheat on my husband? Im constantly looking and craving for an outside affair?
I have never had the urge to cheat on my husband, but I figured I would try to help you. You seriously need to go talk to a shrink, this could be psychological and could be overcome with therapy. These urges can be overcome, when you get these thoughts of looking to cheat, force the idea out of your head, force yourself to do something that will keep you busy. You could also go get a toy to help please yourself and use your imagination of a guy you would have liked to cheat with without actually cheating. You should really be honest with your husband about this but if your husband ever finds out, he will more than likely divorce you. When in bed with him, try doing positions that you don't see his face, this way you can imagine that he is someone else. Plus, with cheating with married men, you are not only risking your marriage, but theirs as well. Remember that your husband is married(granite it is with you), and it is wrong to cheat. I would honestly get out of the marriage, don't get into a relationship, and get help getting over your urges. Your husband doesn't deserve to be cheated on. I hope you are able to stop.
I kind of get what you mean... i think you feel powerless in your life and in no control of it... so the only thing you feel you can use is your sexual behavior towards men.. because face it.. women can usually control men with the fact that you are only after married men.. im not sure. Perhaps you want so much control.. you ever want the control over their wife.. knowing that you are using their husband and they dont even know it.. its a power trip thing since you seem to have no control in other parts of your life. Am i right?
Don't listen to all of these people on here.

They are all feeding you a line of buIIshit.

It's a statistical fact that 50% to 70% of these females on here are going cheat on their hubby.

About 60% to 90% of the men are going to cheat on their wifes.
Married men only? Honey you have a demon that is gonna drive you straight to hell. Whatever you want to call it you got a serious problem and you need to go get help to find out why you are this way and to find out how to stop it before you ruin your life and the lives of others.
Perhaps it comes from not being happy with what you get at home. And has long as you are married to a man you feel leaves you wanting.. you will always be searching in other men for what you feel or think you need. Like most of us married folks, you my dear are stuck.
You have a sex addiction.. checkout a group to attend to help...don't sweat it everyone has addictions that need tending to.
You lack self control, it must be a sad existence to be totally controlled by your sexual urges. You need professional help.
This actually has nothing to do with sex (although you THINK it does) and everything to do with a deep rooted problem stemming from your childhood.
That sounds like a psychological issue. I would HIGHLY suggest counseling to get to the root of your dysfunctional behavior.
You probably need to see a councilor to find out why you have such issues and see if there is something you can do.
Ask your husband if he wants to swing. Seriously. There are plenty of websites that offer information abouty ';The Lifestyle';
i feel sorry for you for having such a low opinion of yourself.maybe you get the feeling of self-worth from married men because their desperate for any attension
Get divorced and do what you want. As it is now you are hurting both your husband and someone elses.
Your husband has the same problem.

He needs hotter women.
Try marrying one. You will lose the urge rather quickly.
sex addiction -- classic. google. you need counseling...
When you figure it out please tell me.

I'm married and pretty hot email me.
not all of us are sooo slutty that we cannot control our actions. you are nothing more than a ****.
Stop turning outside your marriage for fulfillment and put everything into having a better time with your husband. I dont know how long the two of you have been together and if the relationship is stale right now but if that is whats going on then sit down with your husband and figure out what you can do to spice things up, im sure he is feeling the same dissatisfaction,but may not be acting on it. You can go to a bar and act as though you dont know each other, then go hook up in the car or a cheap hotel. There's various role play, there new positions to try (karma sutra), new places(private and public). There are toys/lotions/potions of all kinds.Find a way to make your marriage more exciting.

Not to mention the type of man your craving,married, is offering you nothing but sex and I bet that although the high you feel from knowing what your doing is wrong is the biggest climax, and not the actual sex itself. I would agree that, you may have something in your past/childhood may have started this addiction. Did you fantasies about older/married men as a child. Did you lose your virginity under circumstances you were completely comfortable with. Professional help may help you unlock the underlying matter and make overcoming it easier.

You never know what you have until its gone.Your addiction can cost you your husband and possibly your life. If a married man is having sex with you do you think your the only one? If you say yes, your kidding yourself, and are vulnerable to so many diseases.

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