Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why does my husband have to look at other women nude?

I feel it's cheating, it is ruining our relationship. I am so depressed and feel so worthless. If he needs to be aroused by another woman then his desire is not with me. It's almost over! Please help me understand?Why does my husband have to look at other women nude?
That's bad. Atleast watch it behind your back.. You need to confront him. Sorry.Why does my husband have to look at other women nude?
he doesn't HAVE to, he chooses to because it satisfies the adolescent in him; its quick, easy and ready-made. He doesn't have to worry about emotional issues or intimacy or any of that. He can just imagine whatever he wants.

Some porn enjoyment can be fun and incorporated into the relationship but if its upsetting you and you feel insecure then that means he isn't doing anything to balance out his looking at others. That means he either doesn't understand how it makes you feel or he doesn't care.

If he knows how you feel and does it anyway? Divorce - a husband who doesn't care that he's making his wife feel horrible about herself is no kind of person to stay wtih. Any real man worth two cents would want his wife to feel sexy and beautiful.
I agree with Cassandra G...I understand how it can feel...I go through it with my husband but most of it stems from my own insecurities about myself. I had learn how to look into the mirror and see a sexy beautiful woman that can steal my husband's eyes at anytime. However, my husband had to work on his behavior towards me as well. He forgot to show me how attractive he is to me, to show me that he thinks I am sexy and beautiful...he got to complacent with our marriage and that sexual aspect and romance disappeared. Talk to your husband...approach him in a way that won't start an argument or make him feel like he did something wrong. You need the communication between the two of you to make the marriage work and work out your difference and find a compromise that makes you both happy together.
Most likely because he is a man and we enjoy naked women. You could look with him. You could get naked yourself and recreate some of the poses. You could ask him to make photos or videos of you.

It is also possible that he does this because he is not getting enough sex. Try giving him great sex every time you see him looking at naked pictures and every time you don't see him looking at naked pictures. If he is getting enough of the real thing he won't have so much interest in fantasyland.
Don't take it too seriously unless its a compulsive thing that IS getting in the way of your relationship instead of just making you feel insecure.

It is very natural for men and women to want to look or be w/ other people. Let him know how it makes you feel though... but honestly its kind of his business if he wants to do that in his private time. Get over it.. Its human.

If this is something that he is doing 24/7 instead of being with your, or the family etc.. then he's got some escapist/compulsive behaviors that need some attention.. from a psychologist.
It doesn't follow if he loves to see women in nude pictures he doesn't love anymore. There must be an explanation on this. One is, maybe you need to improve your physical appearance to him. Make every day an exciting one 4him. Satisfy him on bed. These are some suggested things you could do.
Calm down you might be reading to much into this. My husband and I both believe there's nothing wrong with looking as long as you don't taste or touch the object of your inquiry. On the other hand if he is tasting and touching then by all means it should end as soon as possible. Good luck
u mean at stripper or porno movie?

tell your husband how you feel and that you don't like it and it makes you feel depressed cuz u want ur husband to look at YOU and make u feel like a woman. Hope he'll understand, if he doesnt....and doesnt care what you say....its his loss.....try to accept and move on.
A lot of guys do it. Maybe it is an obsession. Try to get in it with you or incorporate in your sex life.
You need to confront him. He probably has an addiction to pornography, and needs help.
you need help you should have known men before marrying one. If you want to learn what men are about we can chat i would think you would want to growup sooner then later.
Maybe he do not think you are hot anymore?

Confront him about it.....
you need to show him your are just as sexy as the girls on the porn sites

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