Saturday, January 9, 2010

What's the best thing to get rid of my husband's dandruff?

My husband has had REEEALLY bad (blizzard) dandruff lately. He uses the same shampoo as I do and I don't have any dandruff. He also gets it in his eyebrows (weird, I know). What would be the best thing to use?

He's already tried Head and Shoulders and he's used conditioner...... He said T-gel doesn't work for him.What's the best thing to get rid of my husband's dandruff?
Its ok most men go bald so soon he wont have a problem lol. mind u it doesnt help the eyebrows. if he had a shaved head he could use baby oil in the bath. he could try it anyway without using conditioner. i do that every second day .and my hair doesnt go greasy. if not then ask a barber. maybe its some kind of skin condition on his head and thats why it wont go with anti dandruff treatments. is it itchy/irritating a lot? maybe try something natural thats kinder to the scalp.What's the best thing to get rid of my husband's dandruff?
Try Tegrin medicated coal tar shampoo. It works.鈥?/a>
I dont understand. my experience is that if I get depresed sya for a period SO I DONT SHOWER DAILY (HAIR WASH INCLUDED) THEN ';dandruff'; happens.

Solution is always to wash more. Specialty shampoos are only actually shampoo-so not worth expense) Just wash hair twice a day for three days see if it's gone bet it will
To keep dandruff away, take a tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 tablespoon of coconut oil, massage it well on scalp and hair regularly.Wash your hair with warm water. More simple remedies for dandruff at
Extreme mositurizer shampoo and conditinor. Try Hello Hydration Herbal Essence. Worked for my sister!

And the dandruff in his eyebrows is just from the 'snow' in his hair thats fallen off and got caught in it. I've seen that before.
garnie fuites
Does your husband ever get spots of dry skin that also seem to 'shed dandruff' that are on his head but not in his hair? My husband has seborrhea, and we tried EVERYTHING until a clerk told me that it's an allergy to sodium laureth, which is in virtually EVERY shampoo in the world. It's even in most pine tar soap, which did help some of his dandruff but still didn't rid him of it. She sold me a very expensive bar of 'pure shea oil soap' ... since my husband started bathing with that, his seborrhea is nearly gone, and he has little dandruff. The thing is that if you try this, your husband has to bathe daily and use ONLY this soap on his whole body, because the whole body is allergic to sodium laureth, and getting any on his skin can cause the dandruff to get bad again.
Find a shamppo with lots of moisturizers. You could also get him to use a moistureizing lotion on his face forehead and neck so it will ease onto his scalp from these areas. If he always blowdries his hair, then stop for a while. Let his hair dry naturally and turning the temp down in the shower will help too. Really hot water aggrevates dry skin., which is what dandruff is dry scalp.
head and shoulders does the have to make sher that hes using it right though
Rinsing your scalp with a rinse of 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to 3/4 cup water may help the problem. The natural acids will help loosen any sebum (dead skin and oils) that clings to your scalp and flakes to form dandruff. Rinse thoroughly with WARM, not hot, water. If you don't rinse well, you will smell like vinegar.

To treat a bad case of dandruff, wash your hair with your usual shampoo and then rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash. You can follow with an ordinary conditioner.

Tea tree oil has antiseptic qualities that may help kill the fungus, and keep your scalp moisturized. You can buy a small bottle at many groceries and health food stores, and add 5-6 drops to your regular shampoo. Or just purchase a shampoo that contains tea tree oil.

Plain old fashioned Listerine (the original amber formula) works wonders on dandruff! In fact, up until the 1980s, the label even mentioned that it was effective on infectious dandruff. Daily or several times a week, saturate a cotton ball with Listerine and swab over your scalp. It really works!
Tell him to rub onions on his head.
A shampoo called T-gel worked for me really well but, the only problem is that i personally think that T-gel smells a little bad so if you do buy wash your hair after with different type of shampoo.
The trick is to cut his hair short and then begin a treatment with a medicated dandruff shampoo....Once his dandruff is gone , he can continue to use Head %26amp; Shoulders.
Proactiv has a shampoo for dandruff.

Or, make an appointment to go see the dermatologist and get a prescription dandruff shampoo.
I think it is better to use natural remedies, because they have not side effects.

Add 2 or 3 drops, for a dose of shampoo, among the essential oils listed below :

- Essential oil of tea tree

- Essential oil of juniper

- Essential oil of Patchouli

good luck
Make sure you try Head and shoulders, the one for dandruff, not the normal one.
if u have any doctor or dermatologist friends just ask cassually about it, or try the general brands for head and shoulders like the wal-mart or sams club brands...sometimes they work better...and an old trick is to wash your har with mayonaise. i know it sounds weird but it got rid of one of my bffs dandruff for like 2 or 3 weeks. : ) or if it doesnt go away, go the extra mile and see a good dermatoligist.

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  1. Thanks for your information. Please accept my comments to still connect with your blog. What gets rid of dandruff?
