Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why does my husband listen to songs about sex and drugs?

My husband and I don't listen to the same kind of music.Most of the music he listens to Iv never heard of.

I started going through some of his music today and its all about doing drugs and having sex.

I think its disgusting.

Why does he want to listen to this garbage?Why does my husband listen to songs about sex and drugs?
It's probably better than rap were they sing about beating and killing their wives and baby mommasWhy does my husband listen to songs about sex and drugs?
Well if your into classical, like Debussy and Beethoven like I am, he probably isn't into it. Knowing guys, he either just likes the beat to it, or he's trying to be cool. You should look through his play-list again because not all rap, or whatever he listens to, is bad and has a bad purpose. Now, it is kind of stupid if he accuses you of that also, but he shouldn't. My point is, the garbage is ';in'; but try to help him see the light to this situation, and be sweet about it. He is your spouse.

1. Not everyone is big on lyrics. My dad is a huge music freak and he barely knows any lyrics. He just likes the music.

2. For some people it's the passion behind it. I've never been cheated on, but when I'm angry I like to sing along with ';You Oughta Know'; because it just expresses my anger and bitterness at the moment.

3. Sometimes it's just a fantasy. I love belting out ';Rockstar'; by Nickelback. I don't honestly want to be popping pills from a Pez dispenser or having sex with easy women. I don't even want 15 cars, that's wasteful. But it's cool to fantasize for a moment about being that fifthly rich and careless about life and my body. And then I remember how so many rock star types end up, addicted, without a SO, empty, STDs, broke... and I know why I'm living my life the way I am.

4. Finally, remember you don't have to like the same music. Like the other person said, your music probably annoys him too. Don't read too much into it, unless of course he is out having sex on cocaine.
My husband use to hear that stuff until I told him of how uncomfortable I felt with it. He got rid of it without hesitating. Not to metion I didnt want our children to hear him playing that trash full blast. Honestly the words in those songs just reminded me of bad memoriies or the past and my husband didnt want me to go through a depression after all I had been through. I thought that was sweet of him. Talk to your husband about it. It' s not healthy not to communicate in a marriage.Always have a mutual respect for each other.
OMG! He has his own personality and musical tastes! And yours are different! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

I think country music is garbage, along with hip-hop and rap. That's MY personal taste. Your personal taste is your personal taste.

Get over it, princess.
You know ';Pearl Jam'; meant sperm.

';Jazz'; and ';Rock'n'Roll'; mean sex.

You seem a little to prissy for my taste.

Maybe your husband has a nice fantasy life with you not being so close minded.

Oh my God ';Puff the Magic Dragon'; was about marijuana!!!!!!
Two types of people in the world: Lyrics people and music people. Rarely both. JMO

Then there's this other stuff they call music and I call noise pollution, because it isn't music and the lyrics are terrible.

Just ask him.
it's just music.

give the guy a break.

he should be able to listen to whatever you want.

you don't have to agree on everything :)

but if you really want to know, why don't you ask him?????

maybe then you'll get an answer :)
My husband listens to stuff I can't stand. I don't even understand what it is saying. It just sounds like screaming to me. I never really thought about it or cared. I still love him just the same.
cuz that's what mainstream music is about!

I'm the same way... my husband likes what I call n*gger music because it's all rap style music with multiple references to sex, drugs, putting down girls, etc.

cuz he likes the music....why do you listen to the stuff you listen to?? why are you trying to read into something that is nothing
Probably because it's the kind of music he enjoys. Your music would probably want to make him slit his own wrists.
He likes the music. I am sure he (and others) could ask the same question about whatever it is you listen to!!
Sex, Drugs and Rocking roll baby...wohooooo....It is what it is maybe hes not into the lyrics but more of the music...thought!!!
Probably because it's good. Don't like it? You don't have to listen to it.
im surprised you two got married and you didn't know his musical taste. your making it into a big deal. its just music and if hes not indulging in sex (with others) or drugs whats the problem?
I'd say that when he starts listening to Barbara Streisand and Celine Dion is when you have to worry.
in all seriousness its prob cause hes a guy i listen to songs like that all the time
Probably for the same reason you watch brad Pitt lol he likes it
It's just like one genre of music and he likes another.
some of the best songs are about drugs and sex. what else do people write songs about?
bc its what hes into

1 comment:

  1. "n*gger music" are you serious? what kind of racist shit is this, lots of black people make a lot of different types of music, I can literally name a song by a black person in perhaps 10+ different genres, you white people need to stop with the whip whip slave master mentality
