Friday, April 30, 2010

How to know why husband doesnot communicate much?

My husband doesnot communicate and everythings if we need to assume its bit difficult and how to control those feelingsHow to know why husband doesnot communicate much?
We don't communicate the same way as women do. Are you a great listener? if not become one. If he feels you truly value what he has to say, and care about his emotions without judgment or fear of you saying ';honey, that is stupid'; then he will open up moreHow to know why husband doesnot communicate much?
Dear pal,

I'm going to tell you the truth about men and verbal communication. Men are not like women. You can't keep looking out your woman-is-the-standard window forever. SIXGUN spent the summer of his sixteenth year at a gold mine in northern Nevada with one other guy. We worked the mine, hunted game, and seldom spoke more than ten words in a day. It was a beautiful place to be young and rough鈥攆eral almost. No two women could do this, she'd have to talk, jabber, jabber until one killed the other.

Maybe your husband doesn't have too much to say. Maybe if you met him naked with a can of whipped cream he's warm up to you. Maybe if you were to ask him about his day, his day he might talk. Maybe if you sounded interested in his day without trying to one-up-him, with ';you think you had a rough day, the baby cried all day, my breasts are sore (what else are they ever, ever) my mother called and she said 鈥︹€︹€?quot; snore. See what I'm driving at?

Please listen. 98% of men want this. Sorry, but, true. When he comes home he wants no noise or questions. Tell him that everyday when he gets home he will get 1.5 hours of quiet. However, when you sit down you want to know about his day. Listen - then tell him you want to tell him about your day.

There is more, but, this should be good for now.

He will tell you things - DONT force it. Try this....
But, men are communicators. Look at the President, politicians, news caster, talk shows, etc....... the world over. But for some, many close up at home. Some men feel as though they are above you with their conversational skills. Or, it's the type of communicating between male and female that involves emotion and they clam up. If you bring over a big chested tall blonde, I can bet he will talk to her!! Go figure.
Men are not as verbally in-tune as women, and some men really hate talking unless they have to. It sounds preachy, but try asking him about his day and try to take an interest in him. It's all in the approach; sound cheerful and interested. Men shut down as soon as they sense nagging or criticism.
You aren't communicating so well either.
Men aren't big communicators.
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  • 1 comment:

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