Thursday, December 31, 2009

3 most important elements that make the ideal BF or husband?

Women what are the three most important elements a man can have that makes him ideal for a boyfriend or husband?3 most important elements that make the ideal BF or husband?
1) Intelligent! If he's not at my intellectual level, it just won't work.

2) Funny. He doesn't have to be a professional comedian, just someone able to bring a smile to my face now and then.

3) Cares about me. Pretty much a given.3 most important elements that make the ideal BF or husband?
For me, these were the top 3.

1. Strong character - honest, faithful, kind and gentle, hardworking, that sort of thing.

2. Solid Christian who takes it seriously and actually lives by the Bible instead of doubting it and doing his own thing. I put that at number two because I wouldn't want a man who was a strong Christian but had some flaw like, say, being a total arrogant butthead who thought he was better than everyone else. Not good. LOL

3. Shares mutual goals with me - wanted to save himself for marriage, wanted to *get* married, wanted kids some day, wanted to homeschool, wanted to be the breadwinner while I stay home with children, that sort of thing. We had to be going in the same direction in life, mostly.

Other things were important too - he had to have a good, slightly earthy/wacky sense of humour because I couldn't live with someone who was very solemn. I'm way too much of a goofball for that and I'd drive him nuts. He needed to be one of those masculine men who would wear the pants in our home (but not squash me under his thumb) - I couldn't respect a man who let me walk all over him. He needed to treat his family well, because the way a man treats his family will show you how he will one day treat you. He also needed to treat me like a lady. I try to act like one, and I wouldn't have wanted a man who insisted on treating me like just one of the guys. And, he could NOT be a feminist!! LOL
1. common sense (wisdom)

2. compassion

3. social skills

Without common sense even a rich man can become destitute, but with it, a poor man can recover. A person with compassion will be generous and forgiving, merciful and endearing, and generally works well around children and animals.

Social skills are necessary for long term employment, especially if he is laid off, and also contribute heavily to his relationship with your family and friends, and how he acts around other people - like whether or not you can bring him along on trips or special events.
No plans to get married ever. So my ideal boyfriend would:

1. Keep the chemistry going even after we hook up.

2. Understand that I need a life of my own at times that doesn't include him.

3. Share in responsibilities and not expect me to do his work (cooking, cleaning, other chores, finances) for him.
1) Faith in Jesus

2) Trustworthiness

3) Balance of work and fun

(There's more, like chemistry etc. I was trying to think of what makes my hubby so wonderful, but his qualities far exceed 3 and any amount of space I could use.)! Yes, head over heels in love still!


Sense of humour

I also like a guy who is adventurous and likes to try new things..and who is not lazy!

And I love when a guy isn't all ';tough'; all the time and likes to my boyfriend! =)
1) Physical Appeal

2) Intellect

3) Confidence

And some more ...Yup, I probably ask for alot, but I don't think it's an unfair trade.
1)Sexually attractive.


My top 3:

1) Sense of Humor

2) Hardworking

3) Trustworthy/Family-Oriented
1 - He loves me more than I love him (makes life easier, and you will know for sure that he will never hurt you)

2 - Friendship %26amp; compatibility

3 - a manly man thats intouch with his feminin side :)
1) Honest%26amp;Trustworthy

2) Chemistry

3) Hardworking

No, I'm not a ';gold digger'; hard work just turns me on.




1 listen

2 don't lie

3 don't cheat

same hobbies and interests

eh, i dont know. probably has huge.........wallet. and also very timid. allows you to control his every move.
  • cartridge
  • blackheads
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