Thursday, December 31, 2009

My kitten is very clingy with me but not my husband?

We have had a couple of rows (as married couples do) and now my cat (he's just over a year old) is like my shadow but seems to be avoiding my husband.

Is there anything we can do to get him back to loving my husband as much as he used to?My kitten is very clingy with me but not my husband?
Kittens are very sensitive to loud and gruff noises and voices. if your husband has raised his voice at you in front or around the kitten , they will stay away from him, i would suggest he tone down his voice, but what he really must do to change the cats ignoring him or avoiding him is to be very quiet pick the kitten up cradle it and just whisper in he ear, gently stroking her back and right behind her eyes and right behind her ears. i had a time where my Cat actually hid from me when my first wife and i were in the middle of a loud argument, unfortunately for me she left with the cat, i have since learn-ed my evil ways and learn ed to control my childlike emotion's. Not that your husband should but it was my exampleMy kitten is very clingy with me but not my husband?
well your husband has to spend more time with the cat and give her attention,also i had a cat like that but i spended more time to play with her and then she is like my best friend.. :]
Kitty remembers your husband was not nice. They read moods.
Get your husband to be the main food provider for a couple of weeks. That should get it back to loving your husband.
In your house your husband is the king of the pride. The top cat just needs to play with the kitten and soon it will shake the fear. The kitten is just staying close to mom till the storm passes. Don't worry food and play and petting will calm him down.
Hi my cats would sit by me and purr and love me if i cried, they are like girls i think, so shes sulking with your hubby, she might even be nervouse of him, cus mens voices when raised are often more scary than ladies, if i was you i would (this sounds harsh) pretend to be *off* towards your kitty, as if your not interested in her, and get you hubby to feed her and smooth her while she eats as if to make her realise HE is caring for her, then smooth her while she sleeps, with you being *off* and him loving and tending her might bring her round, then when shes mates with your man again you show her some love too, even it out abit, does this make sence?? GOOD LUCK XXXX
Just shows the cat has good choice.
Well, cat's are the type of pet that are a lot like people. If you've had a row with your husband and your cat is mostly attached to you, your cat will take on your feelings towards your spouse. Dogs do it too, they can sense fear or anger in people. It's an animal instinct kind of thing. So it's up to you to show your cat that things are patched up with your husband.
cats know what side there bread is buttered on. and like buttered bread your cat will stick to you. FOREVER.
Your husband needs to show interest in him again and gain his trust. You husband needs to spend time stoking huim and playing with him. Your cat will then become more attached to him and less to you. This will take work on your husbands behalf. It will be up to your husband to make the first move. Good luck.
Believe it or not, cats/kittens do remember some things and some people. When our cat was young, my husband's voice was enough to scare her. He has a low voice and can be loud at times!LOL It took her quite a while to get close to him. Now she is the biggest suck around! Have you husband speak to him in a soft voice while petting him. Don't make any loud noises around him and give him time. He will be affectionate to him again. Oh, let your husband give the kitten his treats. You know the saying,';Don't bite the hand that feeds you!'; Have some patience with him and good luck!
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