Monday, December 28, 2009

How did your husband/boyfriend act when you were pregnant?

Was he excited, scared, sympathic to your needs, did he change much?How did your husband/boyfriend act when you were pregnant?
SOOO un-sympathetic it's ridiculous! My husband just doesn't get it. This is number 3 so I'm prepared, sometimes I almost have to guilt him into understanding.

Other wise he's excited. He's got a new boy name picked out every other day! (he's pretty convinced).How did your husband/boyfriend act when you were pregnant?
when we found out i was pregant with our first he was very scared then warmed to the idea of having a baby! unfortunatley we had a still born at 32 weeks with her! then when we found out about our 2nd he was excited same with when i fell pregant this time (3rd due today, and nothing yet)!
When I first found out that I was pregnant we had been going out for almost 2 years. When I told him the news he was like ';Huh?';. It was a cute reaction nonetheless. Even after that he was still sort of like wow. He was initially kind of scared cause I mean what man isn't when it is their first child, but the minute he found out we were having a boy he completely extatic Though I can't complain he was absolutely amazing throughout my pregnancy, always coming to make sure I was comfortable in bed, getting me food, and water, holding my hair back through the nausea periods. He proposed to me when I was 4 months pregnant, and thats when I knew that he wanted to be with me and our baby for the long haul. The day our son was born was a day I will never ever forget, just the expression on his face alone of pure love and happiness was enough to make even one of our nurses cry.

Our son is now 3 months old and we are getting married next fall, and ';legally'; starting our family together for good.
When I found out, I was crying so badly, my husband thought someone had died. When I told him I was pregnant, he was mad that I was so upset and acted all happy to be a dad. Well, let me tell you, he did NOTHING to help me. I was seriously ill the whole time yet he let me do so much. We moved when I was 3 months pregnant, and he wouldn't even carry the furniture upstairs. What a load. The final straw was when I was in labor, he kept leaving me to go smoke cigarettes. This was after 5 years of a ';happy'; marriage. Needless to say, I took the baby my mom's house and never went back. I'm happily divorced now.
When he found out, he left me for another girl. o.0
umm well im only 7 weeks right now, but he was sorta quite and confused about it at first... but thats just cause we're younf he said... (we're both 18) but umm... now he's sorta getting more excited about it. i think and hope that he'll get way more excited as the pregnancy goes on... but we'll see. i think its if its an unplanned pregnancy then its gonna start off confused because it was unexpected... but if it was planned then all should be good and happy!
How did you act when you found out you were pregnant? It gets me that a girl/woman will suspect she is pregnant before she finds out, then find out before she tells the guy, thus giving her plenty of time to think about it and adjust, but expects an immediate reaction from her boyfriend/husband which is similar to the one she now has. She can go through a whole range of emotions from the time she suspects until she finally tells him and thinks that's okay, but he isn't allowed that.

Yeah, you give me thumbs down because you know it's true and you are a bunch of hypocrites. You surprise him with information then gauge him not by how you reacted and adjusted to it, but rather how you have already adjusted to it. Then you call him derogatory names if he doesn't react ';properly';. How fair is that?
The first time i told him he was going to be a dad he was stuck for words. That was a first!!!!!!!!!
he was v shocked at first he laughed then he was delighted! he has been great through my preg i have had alot of lows and he has has taken the brunt but just takes it on the chin i dont no if i could b so understanding if it was the other way about!
he was a complete angel... It was kind of spooky anytime I felt like I was going to throw up he would send me a text to see if I was feeling okay...
the first time he was a selfish 2nd childhood drinking butthead, and the 2nd time too. the third he had quit drinking but he was a bit more attentive and kinder towards me. it was a nice change.
When he first heard, he spent about 20 minutes going ';wow'; ';wow'; over and over. It was really cute.

After that, he has taken care of me, worried about me, and taken care of the things I can no longer tolerate doing. He is excited, sympathetic, and scared, of course. He worries about me and the baby, and about he will be as a dad, and he is excited to see the baby. He's always been a wonderful husband, so he didn't change much, just stepped it up a bit. He's the best!
my b/f didnt really react at all. when i got pregnant with our daughter it was his second child so he was happy but not off the roof. now i am 31 weeks with a boy and he is happy but thats about it
My husband walked around in a shock for a day. I don't think he knew what to think. Then he became very excited and took me to babies R us to find all the things we would need for our new baby girl. He has ultra sound pictures of her all over his office at work. Its cute!
well, it was unexpected... but since we could have been more careful, we owned up to the responsibility of what came next... we went from scared, to absolutely ecstatic about this baby, he can't wait to be a daddy now.
Weather you guys are older or younger, you were planning on it or not planning at all, I think all men take a few days to come around and show you how they really feel.It takes a few days to sink in =)

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