Monday, December 28, 2009

How can my husband and I learn intensive Spanish while taking care of a 1 year old?

Do online courses work? Do tutors work? We do not want to go to language school and have to put our child in day care all day. We appreciate any helpful suggestions, thanks!!How can my husband and I learn intensive Spanish while taking care of a 1 year old?
Wow...sounds fun. I would put yourself in preschool.

My child's preschool has everything labeled. The door, the potty, the get the idea. Start with these simple items and then incorporate these items into sentences. You can write these sentences like this (but in Spanish) ex. Where is the ________? on any mirror in the house with dry erase markers to remind yourself to try to use the sentences with the Spanish words for the items you label. As you get more accustom to these simple word items then you can speak only Spanish in the home. I would also carry your English to Spanish dictionary around. You could also look for someone to come into your home and work with you. You may find someone on Craig's List...I found someone to help me with cleaning on there. Just like teaching your one year old English, you have to start simple and work your way up from there. Good Luck!How can my husband and I learn intensive Spanish while taking care of a 1 year old?
Try this website:

Also, you could buy a Spanish lesson course on CDs and have it playing almost constantly. While you are going through your day you can repeat the words as you hear them and your baby will also be hearing it all too.
Try: It's like a radio broadcast that goes from ';newbie'; level all the way to ';advanced'; and it has transcripts, vocabulary, online ';book work';, and you can ask questions. I really like it. Then there's Pimsleurs on audio CD. There's tons of stuff if you go to a bookstore.
There are not only online courses but also some fairly good software packages you can buy to run on your computer.

Suggest immersion in the language as much as you can. Get a Spanish-speaking baby sitter to help you with your child, watch Telemundo or Univision, and speak nothing but Spanish to each other. Very drastic, but you probably will learn it more quickly this way.
I let my students take their child (children) to my class. I can play with the children while they are doing their written exercises. And it's good because we have something interesting to talk about as part of the learning/classroom activities. Oh, I do one-on-one coaching or with 2 students at the most and they are normally a married couple..

So, probably you can ask the school/instructor if you can take your child with you and your husband to the classroom.


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