Thursday, December 31, 2009

How can my husband get his high school diploma?

My husband dropped out of high school when he was 16. He is now 28 and would like to go back to school to get his diploma. We know how he can get his GED or HSED, but we're wondering if he could actually go back to high school and get his diploma. We live in Wisconsin if that matters.How can my husband get his high school diploma?
there should be a facility in your area for adult education...if you'r not sure, check with your local high school or board of education for assistanceHow can my husband get his high school diploma?
depending on where you are there are adult centers..for example here in california we have an adult center where you can do independent study for your hs diploma..just look it up
Why would he want to go to school with teenagers.

The GED is a much better option.

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