Monday, December 28, 2009

What is Worst: betray your country or cheat your wife/husband?

I wanna know what is your honest opinion about what is worst in your conscience about this issue!

(i've been around about this so many times and i still can't decide what is worst!)

What is Worst: betray your country or cheat your wife/husband?
I can't think of to many situations where this kind of choice will present itself. However, if it were a choice of one or the other. I couldn't forgive a man who betrayed his county and who I would always see as a traitor. I could with time forgive him for cheating on me. Women forgive men all the time, even if they don't like it. As Spock said in Star Trek: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. What is Worst: betray your country or cheat your wife/husband?
It is worse to cheat on your spouse. You are born in to your country, it is not a matter of choice. Your spouse, however, is someone you choose. Someone you have vowed to love and honor. I have made no promise to my country, I was just born here and am therefore bound by it's laws. Also, I can leave my country and reside in a new one without feeling guilt. I cannot say the same about leaving my spouse for another.
Well............I could live quite happily with my wife in the Caribbean with $50 million in my Cayman Islands account with a clear conscience! Then again, I don't plan on running for office!
Ginny: Typical of a woman to think of herself before country.

Ever wonder why Clinton and Palin lost?

Stick with your country and dump the chic.
I think that betraying your country is better than cheating on your wife or husband.
definitely cheating on your spouse is worse than defying your country.
Cheat ur wife or husband. U can get over betraying ur country, but it's much harder to build a relationship with ur wife/hubby after u've betrayed them.
Worst: Cheat On Spouse
your country as it will not only hurt you but all the people in your country.. see .. as with the wife its only her ..

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