Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can I call credit reporting agencys on behalf of my husband?

My husband doesn't do well with speaking business with people over the phone and he has a hard time getting his point across the way he wants, can I call credit reporting agencys on his behalf?Can I call credit reporting agencys on behalf of my husband?
some people will allow him to give them verbal authorization to speak with you, others will require you to have a power of attorney

hope this helpsCan I call credit reporting agencys on behalf of my husband?
This is a sticky issue - it often depends on the customer service person on the other side. One simple solution I often recommend to Thrive users is to simply get on the phone with your husband. That way, he is there to answer any legal questions like SSN and DOB, but you can help smooth out the ';what I need you to do'; demands that he is talking to the credit reporting agencies about.

Let us know how it goes! We're actually working on some scripts to help people talk to their credit agencies and if we can help in some way with this situation, we're happy to try.
Send a power of attorney letter first. Then call 10 days later to verify that the got POA letter.
You should write letters regarding any matter about your credit and not make a phone call.
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