Thursday, December 31, 2009

How did your husband respond the the positive pregnancy test?

I love hearing these stories!How did your husband respond the the positive pregnancy test?
We'd been trying for ages without success, and I was booked in for a laparoscope the following month. So we'd given up trying. But I knew I was pregnant, so I did a test which was positive. I told my husband in the car on the way to work and he didn't say anything. For the entire 30 minute trip. Later that day, one of his colleagues rang to congratulate me as he'd been madly running through the building telling everybody from the cleaner to the managing director! I think it just took time to sink in.How did your husband respond the the positive pregnancy test?
he was totally thrilled!
My husband was soooooooo happy. and was telling me baby dont do da, dis this. just wanted me 2 be careful and everything. it was so sweet of him. we have 3 more months 2 go.
I was in the bathroom, and didn't expect to get a positive test. I was like, 'come here! come here! come here!' He got kind of huffy because he was doing something (and didn't know I was testing). He turned the corner and was like 'what?!' and I handed it to him. It was a digital one, so it said PREGNANT. He looked up at me with the biggest grin and then gave me such a big hug he lifted me off the ground! Then he said, 'NOW can we tell your mom?!' She was over at the time - in another room, and we hadn't told anyone we were trying. He was dying to tell someone!
I called him on his cell phone and told him he was sleeping at his house at the time and said thats nice and went back to bed.
i recently had our 4th baby, it wasnt planned, i was 2weeks late so i secretly brought a home test, i went toilet it was positive, i ran up to my husband, showed him excitedly and he says, bull s hit, your lying, he just thought i was pranking him, he made me go doctors in the morning, he then finally beleived me, he then had the nerve to tell me he remembered pulling out too slow one night, hes such an idiot
Well we had been trying for 11 months but when i decided to take a left over pregnancy test from the month before now for a joke. You know how you are when you have a test and cannot resist from taking it so i did not thinking it would be positive and before i got up off of the toilet there were 2 pink lines! I was so shocked. I tested 7 days before my period was even due and got that positive.

I jumped up with the test and went running through the house to my husband and showed him. He was in shock too but we were both happy but then we both started thinking that the test was wrong so i went and bought another one that same night and took it and it was positive too.

We were very happy though.

I am now pregnant with my second and we found out through a blood test very early (due in December). It was just a routine check up at the doctors and they told me i was pregnant but we are very happy about this one too because i suffered a miscarriage in 2005.
I told my husband I was with child after the 5th pregnancy test. We had been trying for years and I kinda gave up hope. So he came home from work late one night and I left ALL the test on the bathroom sink for him to see and of course he did'nt have to use the bathroom. I told him I thought I was pregnant and he just hugged me. He held me so tight for so long, I knew he was sooo happy! I remember he went to smoke a cigar and called everyone on his phone list. It was almost midnight!
like this.....WOO-Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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