Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why does my husband have such an issue with me getting so much attention from other men?

I recently turned 30 and ever since have been getting really worried about getting older.I started to work out 10 hours a week instead of 7 like I used to and cut out all sweets.I also updated my wardrobe to the latest fashions and spend a lot more time on the way I look so I look the best I can while I'm still young.My husband's been having a real issue with this because I've been attracting a lot more attention from guys which leads to a lot more flirting on my part and I guess he's starting to feel ingored.Why does he have such an issue with me attracting so much attention from other guys?Shouldn't he be proud of it?He has women throw themselves at him all the time so it's not like he has a reason to feel insecure.Why does my husband have such an issue with me getting so much attention from other men?
Just stop flirting back. He probably is proud, but why do you need to flirt back? Probably that is the part that mostly upsets himWhy does my husband have such an issue with me getting so much attention from other men?
the fact that you're flirting back with these other men is the reason your husband is getting upset.. if you want to look good, that's fine.. but you should be doing it for your husband.. not for other men..
well maybe he is just worried of losing u . in a sense he is pround but what ya really have to do is sit him down and let him that know that ur the only one for him. just let him no that u can flirt but ur the only one he really loves
no man wants his girl/wife to be looked at by others, my bf gets jealous and i get jealous too like if he looks at other girls. think how u would feel if you were in his position.

it shows how much he loves you and wants to protect you, and i do not think you should be attracting other men as your are married..

try not to flirt so much gud luck :)
i get ur point that he should be proud of you now that you're more attractive, but you mentioned flirting back so there is obviously a reason why he feels this way. maybe he doesn't feel secure enough that even if you get more attention, you wont leave him for them. maybe it's time to assure him that %26amp; explain to him why you have your new look.. %26amp; ask him for other issues he may have %26amp; clear them out. he might just be missing you %26amp; your attention. maybe after that, you'll have him react like how you want him to
I don't think your husband has an issue with you looking good, he has a problem with you flirting with other men. Ask yourself: would I be OK if my husband flirts with women who throw themselves at him?
I would think it is more if an issue of the way you respond to them, then them just looking at you. You can be gorgeous and have them look without flirting back...that's not appropriate.
Yoy do not say how long yoy have been married, however the statistics show that women usually between the ages of 30 to 45 are very likely to have affairs than at any other age. Why?

Well you pointed out one issue, being uncomfortable with aging, so it would seem that you are. Two, the attention of new men validates how attractive and desirabel you are, and clearly this is always something that people need ot feel and have validated. Women, also statisticalyy, when they are about to have an affair, or divorce, ';get in shape'; and pay much more attention to looking attractive, basically in an unconsious, or conscious attempt to attract men. The same can be said for men. Also, increasingly as we age we feel that our lives have become boring and at dead ends. Affairs and/or new men make life more exciting. Note the proliferation of ';Married Personals Sites.'; Of course the question must be asked, why do both men and women, ';let themselves go';, once they are married? You really have a hidden agenda, it may be a conscous one or not, either put all of your effort in to improving your marriage, or leave and start your life anew.
i would say hes jealous.ask him wheres the trust long as your not doing anything out of the way,why should he worry.maybe your not giving him the same attension,your giving other men.
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