Monday, December 28, 2009

What is the first thing I have to do to be able to move to the US. My husband is a US citizen?

We want to move soon, and I need to know what I am to do to be able to work and move there in the fastest time possible.What is the first thing I have to do to be able to move to the US. My husband is a US citizen?
I found this site for you. I hope it helps.


I just had to edit this to say, people don't be so damn rude. She just asked a simple question. You don't know her or his situation, so don't be so ignorant by being rude.What is the first thing I have to do to be able to move to the US. My husband is a US citizen?
Well, not sure what your nation of origin is, so you really need to call the American Embassy that is in your home country.

There's different restrictions for different countries..

What country are you currently living in? If you live in a country that allows Direct Consular Filing (DCF) you could apply for an immigrant visa in that country. You would have to remain in that country until the visa is processed, but processing is usually much quicker than a K-3 or CR-1, anywhere from 3 weeks to 3-4 months. Once it is approved, you would enter the US as a Permanent Resident and would immediately be able to work, etc.

Not all countries allow DCF however, and the US citizen would have to meet the residency requirements of that country in order to qualify to file DCF.
Why? Have you read the new legalization that goes into effect in about 2 or 3 months. Only USSR %26amp; East Berlin ever had anything like it before. Requires all U.S. citizans court permision to leave and enter country. Even with passport... I would not be in such a hurry to be immagrant in land building secret gulags with trains runnig through them....Remeber 62 years ago Germany sat in shame as America the great World defender of civil rights. Liberated the camps and Europe. Today America is in judgements as indictments are laid out for war crimes, crimes against humanity. Named in indictments are Rumsfeld, Tenet, Gonzales,...others Ironic...MARY
Call the US Department of Immigration. Or go to their website.
Get your head examined.
Spouse and Fiance(e) of an American Citizen鈥?/a>
Have a baby and learn to say ';Money!!!';.......sorry bad joke, but I just could not resist that ! On a serious note you may need to contact the US embassy nearest you or accredited to your country and apply for a spousal visa.

Best of luck and Bon Voyage !
Stay right where you are. We have plenty of immigrants here.

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