Thursday, December 31, 2009

What's with women who like to be considered their husband's property?

My husband was the head of the household, the boss of the home front and had the final word on all decisions. There are never any arguments because he doesn't allow backtalk disrespectful action or words. This works for me. Why do other women and sometimes men find this offensive bordering on abusive? I was born and raised in the USA, as was my husband and both our families. Why do so many people find this to be totally wrong?What's with women who like to be considered their husband's property?
There is no wrong answer with you two. It is whatever you choose. I like that you have decided to concede on some of your choices. My opinion: men and women must pick either a masculine or famale energy in a committed relationship and stick with it. It is about compromise and the two energy balances are somewhat opposite yet compliment each other.

I read somebody wrote something about 'voting'...I simply disagree with this statement. Equal right laws have nothing to do with the ying and yang energy that compliments a relationship. A successful committed relationship is about two different people coming together by communication, and a mutual respect and trust. You trust and respect your husband and in return he cherishes you and together you flourish. What's with women who like to be considered their husband's property?
I am not one to judge you and your relationship with your spouse. However, I am God's property not man's. If you are a religious or spiritual person and you consider yourself to be following Ephesians 5:22-24 which says:

{ 22Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. }

Then he must follow Ephesians 5:25 which says:

25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her

So your husband should be treating you very well. If he isn't then you are in a sad marriage.

It works both ways.
I think it's possible to live this way withOUT it being abusive. I don't see anything wrong with that! :-) When you have two people in a relationship, there needs to be one person who has the final word on things only because there will always be differing opinions. You try to compromise as much as humanly possible, but there are times when that's just not possible. When this is the case, there has to be ONE person to make the decision.

If your man doesn't like backtalk and disrespectful words and at the same time doesn't give those to you, then that sounds like a great relationship to me!
What does it matter why people find it wrong? If it works for you then why are you on here trying to get justification? Just live your life and stop worrying about what other people think.

Part of the reason I personally have a problem with it is because in the past marriage WAS about property rights. A wife and children were nothing more than property to a man. Its only been within the last 50 or so years that marriage has been (ideally) based on love and respect. I'm a stay at home mom and in no way consider or want to consider myself my husband's property. Of course my husband treats me with equal respect and would never treat me like property. My husband and I have rarely had any arguments throughout our whole marriage. A relationship shouldn't be disrespectful to begin with but not because he doesn't ';allow'; it.

If you feel that you're respected and you're happy with the situation then BE happy and stop trying to convince the rest of us that you're content.
I don't think your relationship is abusive. I don't think it's wrong. I just prefer being with a real woman. You know.. someone who will challenge me to become better by forcing me to rethink my opinions/beliefs, and improve my decision-making by calling me into question when I **** up. Someone who will not let me continue my bad habits and constantly make me better myself because she WILL stand up for herself, will NOT take my bullshit, and will keep me on my toes so that I never lose focus.

You're perfect.. for a guy with absolutely no self-esteem, no self-respect, and who is so fragile that he can't handle being in a relationship with a PERSON instead of basically adding another CHILD to the household - except this one he can have sex with.

I want a partner. An equal. A *counterpart* who is every bit as smart, powerful, and talented as I am. I couldn't respect someone who was anything less, and I can't love a person I don't respect.

You can claim your husband respects you all you want, but your own question made it blatantly clear that he does not respect your decision-making, your opinions, your knowledge, your status, your equality, your free will, your gender, your independence, or.. basically.. anything at all about you besides your ability to follow directions mindlessly.
Doesn't allow disrespectful action or words? Huh? He doesn't allow HIMSELF to be disrespected. YOU, however, are another story. He has no respect for you as an adult, and that's why he treats you like a child. He has no respect for you as a human being separate from himself, and that's why he treats you like property.
The husband is the head of the women and Christ is the head of the man. God designed it so that the man would love and honor his wife like Christs loves the Church. The women is to respect her husband.

There is nothing wrong with it. Of course the ';world'; will hate it becuase it is Godly.

It is our upbringing. I was not raised to be my husband's slave nor will I ever be. I am my own person and I make decisions just like he does.

If it does not bother you for him to make all the decisions or the boss of the home, then more power to you. To each his own.
Same with us.

And anyone that reads my answers KNOWS I am not a doormat.

My life is awesome, and we want for nothing.

You guys seem a bit more militant than we are though...';backtalk';? That sounds odd to me. You should be able to speak freely to your husband at all times.
bc you SHOULD have an opinion and not be a doormat. You can't back talk? Sounds like being a child all over again. you should always have a voice and no one should tell you not to use it. Most of all you should want it to be heard.
Honey, all that matters is how you feel about your marriage, if you feel it is ok, than why should you care about what others think of your marriage??

If you feel it is ok, then why are you so defensive?
its not the situation, if works for you great. its that you think of yourself as property. thats where the dysfunction come in. and that is very sad you have no value for who are
If it works for the two of you then you have no reason to feel like you have to defend your choice.
well, seems to me if you asked this question then you must feel it's somewhat wrong. I am no one to judge what you allow to go on in your own house. good luck!
There's a difference between respect between spouses and tyranny.

I respect my husband, but I am ';allowed'; to voice my thoughts/concerns. What you've described here doesn't sound healthy.

In USA women in 99% marry guys for their money or houses. Men, watch it, or marry girls from other countries.
Bc its no longer the 1920's and we can vote now. He's not your father. I would leave my man if he thought he'd make the decisions of my life.
Because it's like he's controlling you.
does he allow you to p?
Jesus lady, you just set us back 100 years......

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