Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How did you know you were in love with your husband or wife?

How do you maintain that love in your marriage? Thanks for sharing!How did you know you were in love with your husband or wife?
Trust me, you'll know when you're in love. Its like nothing you've ever felt before with anyone else you've ever dated or been with. You miss them when they're away. You can't get enough of them when they're around. You're #1 priority when they're near is making them happy. And they make you JUST has happy without even trying.

Once we moved in together. The keys to a successful relationship is Communication and compromise. Of course they're going to have their flaws. You just have to get passed that. But anytime we have a problem with each other. We talk it out and work on coming to some agreement we will both be happy with. We keep things exciting. You don't let your life together become a routine bore. Its definitely a process you have to keep up with. But you love them enough that it doesn't both you to do this.How did you know you were in love with your husband or wife?
At first I didn't know. One year into the relationship, I broke it off to 'find myself'. The break up only lasted one day because that's when I realized that he is who I am. He completes me and I love him for taking care of my heart. Eight years now into our relationship, he's my best friend, my husband and everything I could ever want out of a man.
Being in love is nothing like falling in love. Emotions change. I used to be very depressed about this...but I read a few books -- but especially loved ';The Five Love Languages';. Even if you're marriage is good enough, you can learn how to effectively communicate your love for each other and fell more fulfilled. I am not yet married...but my long term bf and I live together and plan on one day getting married when the time is right...when we feel more at ease (his parents are divorcing, mine are divorced...that says enough!)

It helped immensely.
this is hard to put into words.

For me I just knew it, in my heart. My wife and I met on line. It was 6 months before we physically met. By then we knew we were soul mates. Hundreds of emails and snail mails and thousands of minutes on phone. We became best friends before we became lovers. We have been happily married for 10 wonderful years. When I was not talking with her on the phone, I was typing her an email, sending her a ';thinking of you'; card, or thinking about her constantly.

We keep our relationship fresh. As a truck driver, I am on the road alot. We talk daily. When I am home we have ';our time'; which does not always include sex, but does mean time with each other without our 8 year old son. We have a vibrant sex life and a very open line of communication.
While I'm not married yet, we are planning on it, and I'm hopefully we're going to be together.

I think we maintain our l've by taking time for one another and using every opportunity to let each other know that we're here, we care and we've got each others backs no matter what.
when we can share everything and anything openly and honestly. also, we finish each other's sentences, laugh and cry together...

you know when you are in love when you can consider your lover your best friend too! :)
When i can sit down and talk about everything and anything with him! and he listened! Smiled
By remembering why you fell in the first place!
when the thought of loosing him...made me feel like my life's meaning was over

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