Thursday, December 31, 2009

My step daughter who is police officer has taken the contents of the matrimonial home which my late husband?

left to me in his will, she is also an executor of my late husbands will, is this theft?My step daughter who is police officer has taken the contents of the matrimonial home which my late husband?
I think you should get advice from a solicitor or who ever is dealing with your late husbands estate good luck and sorry for your loss.My step daughter who is police officer has taken the contents of the matrimonial home which my late husband?
I would think it is theft because the items were mention in the will to be given to you.

But unless you talk to a lawyer you may not get them. The will may have to be probated to get what you want that was suppose to be yours.
Tricky. Is there any reason why, as the executor, she should have any reason to suspect you are incapacitated or unentitled to this inheritance? Solicitor clearly needed.
get to a solicitor quickly
How did she gain entry to the home. Do you still reside there? Did you let her in? Did you let her take the items. If you didn't let her take the items, absolutely make a police report. Even if they won't do anything, it will serve to document what happened. You need an attorney. Get one quickly.
see your solicitor,even if she is a policewoman or not ,she is not above the law,
She has learned one thing possesion is 9/10ths of the law.Her position of executer has been breached with her actions.Sue the ***** in County Court without question.
Never trust a piggy
tricky go see a attorney
There is case after case similar to this. An executor of a will is under no legal obligation to carry out the wishes of the deceased as stipulated in the will, however, if you are joint executor you should seek legal advice.

Also speak to step daughter's senior officer (s) saying that you will publicise this matter in the papers, TV, etc. They may bring pressure to bear.
If theres a will and something was left to you, it's yours! Get a lawer.

Her being an executor means that she is to execute the will and wishes of your husband!

Good luck!
Get a lawyer.
It is her duty to carry out the instructions of the will. I would contact a lawyer and talk to him about the legality of what your step daughter has done. And if charges can be made against her for her actions.
an executor must carry out what it says in the will so i would advise you to get your lawyer to get a copy as he has left it all to you it seems she has taken the law in to her own hands remember the police are there to serve the law they are not the law
Get a really good attorney. If your late husband left things in a will to you - then they are legally yours - not your step daughters. Run - don't walk - to see an attorney!
He left it to you in his will so it is legally yours. As the executor of his will, if you were passed away then she could give it to whoever she felt needed it/wanted to have it, but since you are still living then it's legally yours.
So your step daughter - the biological child of your husband took some of her deceased fathers belongings from the home.

hhmmm... does not sound so bad when you put it that way. - She took something that belonged to her Daddy.

What did she take? Is it something of sentimental value that should remain in her biological family? After all - you're just a step.
Yes it is theft threaten her with legal action .But I can also sympathise with her,see if you can come to some mutual agreement over what she can have.
I don't know where you are but it sounds illegal, at least it is in England.

Here, a will may only be challenged if the will was made under duress, or he was not of ';sound mind'; or if his FINANCIALLY DEPENDANT children were excluded. Since she works she is not financially dependant.

It was your husbands property to do with as he wished. If he said it was to go to you, then it is yours.
Yes get a lawyer, meantime phone the police

and charge her with theft.
what a bi*ch, but then expect nothing else from the filth, if its left to you in his will she can't touch it, its a legal document, get a lawyer and f**k the ***** over, also inform the police and get her arrested, of coarse its theft
make a complaint about her to the Chief of Police about her behaviour. Every complaint has to be investigated thoroughly and any dishonesty like this should get her called into the professional standards department and even stood before a misconduct hearing. the dishonesty will bring into dispute her integrity to remain a police officer.

This will take some time, so dont put off that visit for legal advice. You can find out how to make the complaint via her appointed force.
Get a good lawyer. It is a shame someone is taken advance of your husband trust
There's a lot of people jumping to conclusions on this one.

You don't state when your Husband died (condolances) or if the will has been finalised and past through probate. Until it has, as executor, your step daughter has control over the estate and can remove items for safe-keeping. I'm not saying she's done nothing wrong, but the reason why she has removed items needs addressing before any decision is made as to her motives.

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