Monday, December 28, 2009

Why didn't Michelle Obama travel to Saudi with her husband on such a so-called historical day?

Barack Hussein Obama said all religions and countries are equal, and he did not take his wife and his two daughters to islam birth place to taste islamic eguality for women. Or does Mr. Obama believe that women are the fourth class citizen as his islamic countries that his female family can not go to Saudi without Burqas or Niqabs.

Could it be that Obama would have had to address women's rights issues?Why didn't Michelle Obama travel to Saudi with her husband on such a so-called historical day?
You are exactly right. If Michelle were to have come with him, she would have probably had to wear a Burqa, or something similar, and it would be painfully obvious to everyone how the Saudis treat their women like garbage. It's an inconvenient truth for Obama that he does not want to acknowledge.Why didn't Michelle Obama travel to Saudi with her husband on such a so-called historical day?
What Obama said is that all religions and cultures are equally deserving of respect, and it is obvious that you do not agree. The wife and kids don't go on most of Obama's diplomatic missions, including his trip to Israel. They also did not do the campaign trips with him. This seems to be the custom with American presidents; I can't recall Bush's girls going on his trips either.
you cant blame saudi arabia on obama..

saudi arabia is a dictatorship propped up by the usa..

bottom line is..

we guarentee the dictatorship

the dictatorship guarentee's to loot their country for american corporate interests

and the corporate interests and saudi dictatorship will provide funds to keep the politicians installed to keep the whole machine going.

this in effect screws the saudi people (note who was on those 9/11 planes)

the american people .. (note who gets ripped off at the pump due to the defacto oil monopoly convineniently blamed on forigners when our own oil companys profit)

she didnt go to saudi arabia.. because that would disturb the status pro quo.. of the saudi dictatorship.. the slaves in this dictatorship (99% of the women) MUST not be allowed tosee a free woman with actual power and freedom. this could cause instability in the defacto slavery state.. it could screw with american corporate profits.. etc..

this is not obama's fault.. this is just the way it is.

pretty ugly issnt it? the corrupt touch of the cia on forign countrys and peoples around the world? the victims of american capitolism .. that puts profit before people. the republican way...
Yeah, your question is about right. The Obama females are a touch strong minded - certainly Mrs O is! There's no way they'd comply with this backward, pathetic Muslim attitude and I applaud them for it. Obama has to go anyway, it's part of his creepy crawly, backside licking duty - just like the rest of the civilised world. (I think 'civilised' is a joke! ) We, the West, are in thrall to these oil producers and any crap they put our way we're pathetic enough to take it. As someone who fought for my country I'm almost ashamed to be British. These people would still be ruled by the Turks and living in the stone age if the British hadn't freed them and helped their Independence!
At least she not going there to play kissy face with the Oil Sheiks who pumped BIG $$$ into his failed oil projects like Bush did, I did not hear any neo-xcons whining when Bush spent $$BILLIONS$$ of tax $s to fly around the world just to say goodbye to the world leaders who did even want to see him in the 1st plac!
Obama does not take his wife and children to where ever he goes.

women issues in saudi Arabia is a bit problematic, but still I don't think it was very important to take his wife and children there.

I haven't seen his wife and children in egypt as well...?
Because she didn't want to cover her head with a Burquas when meeting leaders. Also she would bring to mind women's rights issues and they were afraid she would be asked questions by the press...Of course, he didn't want to ';insult'; the leaders...because he was on his apology tour.
Obama favors Islam and knows they are a bigoted religion, but he may also be worried about the stench that would be concentrated under Michelle's burqa.
Because they'd imprison her the way she dresses with her arms and back all open. I bet she refused to dress conservatively so they said she can't go. She wouldn't want a day to go by without showing off her biceps and triceps.
She is not the president, she is his wife. She does not go on all trips, and as his wife is not expected to go on all trips.
woman have no rights in Saudi and any smart woman wouldn't put themselves though that.
Sit down and compose a letter to her and ask.
because she is an infidel and not welcomed there
Her burkha was in the laundry.
That is a very silly question to ask. Stop being so skeptical.
That or the kids are finishing up school?
The Saudi King is not a fan of Wookies.........
He respects muslim culture more than he respects civil rights.

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