Thursday, December 31, 2009

What does your husband or boyfriend's semen usually taste like?

How do you describe your man's flavour, at least most of the time?

Words like ';bitter'; and ';salty'; are used a lot...Some girls say it's sweet on occasion. One of my girlfriends described it as ';sweaty,'; which I found odd. I've even heard ';chlorox taste,'; but who in the world has tasted chlorox? What are your thoughts?What does your husband or boyfriend's semen usually taste like?
It depends on what kind of diet he eats. And how often he ejaculates. The reason a man's semen would be sweet is if there is a build-up. Because the sugar is there for the sperm to survive. It would be bitter, if he has ejaculated recently or often--or if he's on certain medications. I have personally never tasted Clorox in a man's semen. And have no idea where THAT taste would come from.What does your husband or boyfriend's semen usually taste like?
Very salty, warm, nectar consistency. I wouldn't put it in my coffee.
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