Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can my husband adopt my daughter?

I was raped when my daughter was concieved. I considered putting her up for adoption, but couldn't. I have no idea as to who the biological father is, and have no idea as to where he is, nor do I want to know. i recently got married, and my husband wants to adopt OUR daughter, now 2 years old. There is no fathers name on the birth certificate, and she carries my maiden name. How can we do this?How can my husband adopt my daughter?
In one word Yes. I am adopted and though my mother did know who my biological father was his name wasn't on the birth certificate. When she married my step father adopted me. Since there wasn't a known father she was the one who took the voice for the adoption proceedings. There are two ways to do an adoption one is getting a lawyer to do this for you. The other is there are a couple good online services that have all the needed documents required. You give them the information, they will fill out the documents and submit them to your local county court house. The fee is less then a lawyer's fee usually around $175 to do all the paperwork and the filing. It takes an average of 60 days for the paperwork to go through. Since you are married to him and she is your natural daughter it is nothing more then really a name change and adding a name on the birth certificate.

I wish you the best and glad to see there are still some of us dads out there who do love and care about angels.How can my husband adopt my daughter?
Consult a lawyer. They can file the necessary paperwork with the court. When I checked into this (not exact circumstances- my daugther's father passed away and my husband wanted to adopt her)....they said we would have a home visit and needed 3 letters of ';recommendation or reference'; from people my husband knew as friends and co-workers. The lawyer fee plus the court costs was going to be about $1000. This was in Ohio, so I'm not sure what it would cost for you. I don't think there is a good way around a lawyer- this is something you want done right anyways. It's a good idea to do it though because she will then be treated as his child in instances like receiving his social security if he were to pass away (just know this from my own experience). Good luck.
Contact an attorney that is knowledgable in adoption law. He/She will work you through the process that is necessary for your State in order for your husband to adopt your little girl. God bless you for doing this. My husband adopted my son from my first marriage and it has been an enjoyable and lovely experience over all these years.

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