Thursday, December 31, 2009

How did your husband treat you while you were pregnant?

Did he treat you better

the same

or worse%26gt; (out of fear or just a dick you left later)

with our first he treated me well weird so I guess worse (out of fear)

with our second he treated me the same as if I weren't prego

we are on our third and last and he has treated me like a freaking princess, it would take me all day to list all the things he does for me.

I was thinking about it and its strange how each pregnancy has been just as different for him as it has for me.How did your husband treat you while you were pregnant?
I am not married, but my boyfriend has been very distant from me since I found out we were pregnant. It seems like when I say something about the baby he gets annoyed. He has other kids, I don't, and I think he thinks I'm too excited about it. I know this will change after the baby is born.How did your husband treat you while you were pregnant?
I have never had a baby, but my coworker said her husband was distant to her when she was pregnant with their first child together. She had children from a previous marriage, and so did he, but he was weird for some odd reason. She complained that he never wanted to have sex with her once she was pregnant. He also never talked to her. Then they were near divorce but now they are happily married. I really don't know what that was all about, I just remember her experience and her sharing it with us at work.
Well my boyfriend was such a sweetie at first and when I got preggo he said he was gonna be here for me and yeah he didnt bail out but oh did he start being such a dick with me such as ignoring me, not coming to see me, wouldnt call me.. he seriously went a whole week without talking to me twice. Well he went to jail for stupid crap and that made him wake up and now he's not a dick. I guess guys get mood swings, alot of girls told me just to leave him alone that he'll come around and yeah he has.
So far (I'm only 9 weeks) he's treated me like a princess. He does all the cooking and cleaning. He also does all the shopping. It's been nice since it's been over 100 degrees lately and I can't bear to be outside. It makes me sick to my stomach.

I just hope it lasts!! :) hubby usually treats me good. During pregnancy though, he makes me sit down and put my feet up. He does all the housework and cooking! He is amazing!!

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