Monday, December 28, 2009

How come, upon marriage, some women whole-heartedly embrace their husband's last name, while others elect to

keep their own last name?How come, upon marriage, some women whole-heartedly embrace their husband's last name, while others elect to
Personal choice....How come, upon marriage, some women whole-heartedly embrace their husband's last name, while others elect to
lol... It's the law for the wife to keep the husband's surname upon marriage. Maybe the reason why they prefer to keep their own last name is because the husband's sound ugly? lol... Or perhaps they prefer to seem as still single?
To take your husband's last name is tradition.

To keep your own is selfish. Your chances of a successful marriage are much less.
My last names are hyphenated, I have both maiden %26amp; married names.
I suppose the ones who decide to keep their maiden names just want to make a statement about not losing their identity. They are still a whole, complete person without their husband or husband's last name.
They usually keep their own last name to fight a cause to make themselves feel more empowered. They choose they're husbands last name because it's tradition, and/or feels more connected to their guy, and/or because the name sounds much better than the one they have.
y did that happen to u i am sorry if it did but any ways. because they are weird they should just take the last name it is wut they are suppossed to do
Personal choice -- and especially if you marry at an older age, have already gotten several degrees in your own name, have started climbing up the Ladder at your place of Employment, and have established credit and your own property.
I agree with both Annie R and Lindsay F....there are many reasons for doing both
i think its because some people just want to keep their own family name going.
Some women chose their own last name with the new last name to provide some sort of their own person. Not sure if that made sense. But if the woman believes that taking her husbands last name will be alot better then she does it to prove that she loves him and only him... But otherwise its up to the women on what they want as long as they remain happy.
I've taken my husband's name, however we did think about HIM taking on my maiden name, as my family name will die out in this generation, since there's only girls in my dad's extended family. It's pretty sad to think a whole family name will just vanish. The 2 names sounded pretty bad hyphenated so instead we're going to use my maiden name as middle names for our children.

I use my maiden name at work. My boss is also my brother in-law and we don't want people thinking we're married or that its a cosy little family business. Some women keep their maiden name for business purposes because it can get confusing for clients having to remember that names have changed.

It might not be true but my opinion is that some women want to declare that they are not controlled by their husbands etc which is sad that they think their relationship is all about power.
It just depends on the situation. Take me for example I will be facing that decision soon. So I am going to hyphenate my last last name for business reasons. Some women just choose not to take on the last name right away. Other women can just be to attached to their last maiden name.
curious to. does it have anything to do with feminism? I'm taking my boyfriend's last name, even though it's stupider than my maiden name. haha. just cause that makes me his i guess. i love him! ? !
I know this may be an uncommon answer, but, as for me, I'm not giving up my father's name.

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