Thursday, December 31, 2009

What is the best way to stop calling my estranged husband, and looking at his cell phone records?

I have tried to stop, I even turned off my computer, but turned it back on to check again, I keep leaving him messages. He told me I am not acting strong at all I am acting like a marsh mellow. I want to stop this so bad because everytime I look It makes me cry again. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!What is the best way to stop calling my estranged husband, and looking at his cell phone records?
Pray and seek help from the Lord. This is a difficult situation. Try finding a hobby or fill your life with activities.What is the best way to stop calling my estranged husband, and looking at his cell phone records?
Calm down. You need to stop stressing about him, and his phone calls. I think you may need to ask him to change his information, so that you CAN'T have access to it. You're too tempted to snoop, and it's only hurting you further. Its normal though, you're marriage is freshly broken, and you're bound to be in pain.

What you need to do now though, is focus on YOU. I think the others are correct, counseling would be a wonderful thing for you, it'll give you someone you can talk to, that can help you come to terms with the grief over your marriage.

Besides that, you need to start getting out, and away from that computer. Go shopping, buy yourself some new clothes, get your hair done, buy some cute little shoes, and go out with your friends have fun and forget about that hubby for awhile. Let yourself have some fun and find enjoyment in life again. Heck, take up a class to learn something new and fun, like pottery, or painting.

Above all stop looking at it as a disaster, and look at this, as a chance for some new beginnings. A chance for you TO become stronger by doing all those things you've always wanted to do, but haven't, a chance for you to learn you can live without him and be better for it.

Hang in there, it will get easier.
you crazy as hel1, you need help you really want to catch him doin something that way you can feel justified in lookin through his records so much. stop lookin before you find something and it will be all your fault
You need to get out there and get busy! Get a second job or join a gym. Go out with friends often. Find a hobby. Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy. Good Luck!
Maybe you should seek counseling to help you with your grief.

And learn some self control.

Good luck.
Find another man...Seriously, it will help. Don't attached though.
I dont think WE can help you.

Get some therapy.

Sorry about your pain.

Good luck
Tell him to get his number changed and then not give it to you.
keep yourself and your life full and busy
u need to tell him to change his password and that will help u...

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