Thursday, December 31, 2009

Even if domestic abuse happened along time ago can the husband still be persecuted?

If A husband beats his wife and children and it happened say 6 years ago can the wife or children report him now?Even if domestic abuse happened along time ago can the husband still be persecuted?
No I dont think so..... I think there is a time limit on that stuff seek a lawyer. Do u have proof from 6 years ago. Thats a tough oneEven if domestic abuse happened along time ago can the husband still be persecuted?
I rather doubt after six years, but there was a case in the national news of a young man prosecuted a year later. It happened in Michigan, right after a teenage father won custody because the mother was going off to college and the child would be spending most of each day and evening in the care of others. This was not the whole story, but the judge didn't want to harm the mother's reputation while in college. As it turned out, he should have.

Outside the court house she stated that the child's father had battered her the year before, and thus didn't deserve custody. She had two female friends backing her up. As such, he was arrested and the child taken away.

At his trial, when his attorney cross examined the two female witnesses, he first read from the Michigan State Statutes on the penalties for committing perjury. After hearing this, both stated they had been coerced into lying by the mother. Instead of him attacking her, she attacked him. The only thing he did was grab her arms to prevent her from scratching him. He was found not guilty.

The female prosecutor and the President of the Michigan Chapter of N.O.W, went out to the reporters and said that this was a clear example the women cannot get justice in the courts. They went on to file an appeal to the custody award on the grounds that be grabbing the mother's arm, he had battered her in accordance with the federal Violence Against Women Act. The state supreme court agreed, taking away his custody and visitation rights.
No because the police need to see physical evidence, like bruises or injuries, that fit the story in order to make an arrest. Otherwise anyone can make that up about someone just because they are mad and get them arrested. You should have filed the charges years ago when you had the evidence to prove it. You can file a police report and see if they decide to press charges, but I doubt it. Sorry.
There are statutes of limitation on how long you can prosecute MOST crimes and they can vary, sometimes drastically, even within the same state. Murder, and often rape have no statute of limitations. If you have rape kits from six years ago then you may have a case. You really need to contact a lawyer in the jurisdiction of the crimes and find out what your options are. Without evidence such as photos, police reports, doctor/hospital and/or eye-witness accounts it will be difficult.
Persecuted....yes, however if you mean prosecuted, then that depends on the laws in your state, consult a lawyer, consultations are usually free. If persecution is what you are really talking about then read the book of exodus in the bible, hella persecution in there my friend.
As others have mentioned, it's going to be impossible to prove, even if the statute of limitations hasn't expired.

I don't know where you fit into this scenario, but the wife is the one who screwed up bigtime here. Her kids deserved a lot better.
Did you mean prosecuted or persecuted? They are two very different things.

I think you'd need proof to prosecute. Why do you want to go back 6 years anyway? Seems a little odd and revengeful to me. Move on and stop being so mean.
prosecuted? There's statue of limitations on all things except murder and theft. If a dad hits his son, when the sons old, he cannot have the dad arrested. But you can file a restraining order.

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