Monday, December 28, 2009

How do I resign as sponsor of an alien? My husband left me and I no longer wish to sponsor him. What can I do?

I am a state registered nurse and got married to a Colombian immigrant two years ago because I fell in love with him and believed that he loved me. He has since been granted a conditional resident visa and is now waiting for other papers which I must sign before he can become a permanent resident. However, he has left me and only comes by once a month to pick up his mail or for me to sign some paper for him. It has become painfully obvious that he was just using me to get his permanent status in the U.S. I believe the only reason he stops by (other than to pick up his mail or have me sign something for him) is to make sure that I will sign the final papers for him to be granted permanent status. Can anyone tell me how I can resign as his sponsor?How do I resign as sponsor of an alien? My husband left me and I no longer wish to sponsor him. What can I do?
Tell him to go to hell. Call him in.

1-866-347-2423How do I resign as sponsor of an alien? My husband left me and I no longer wish to sponsor him. What can I do?
ok, sounds like you need to get a divorce. Do NOT sign anything else for him. Let him know that since he is obviously not interested in being married to you, that its better you go your seperate ways. since he is conditional, they will probably take away his visa. He will either have to return to Colombia or overstay his visa. Be careful that he doesnt get angry and try to force you to sign something, you may want to have a brother or father there with you when you tell him.
Do not sign anything for him, he has made it obvious he only ';needed'; you for one thing, an dif you give in, then its on you. YOu did it for ';love'; , he used love against you for his needs, and now he needs to be sent back. He will beg you and then claim to love you and will offer you the world, but I woul dnot give in,,but it is your choice,,???? Good Luck and God Bless,,,,,
Sorry to hear must be very saddened by the turn of events.

While I do not have specific advice, if you were to go look on the forums at visajourney, others have been through this too.鈥?/a>

Take care.
contact the INS and let them know you wish to be dropped as

his sponsor.
If he has a conditional visa you don't have to do anything else. That includes signing papers for him. Once that conditional visa expires he can be deported. Maybe you can also get in touch with homeland security and have him arrested and deported the next time he comes by.
Call immigration and let them know you no longer have any relationship with this loser! They'll put him on the next plane back to wherever he came from!
Contact USCIS's National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 . (There is no INS any more) Then you can simply refuse to assist him in applying for the removal of his conditional status. If he doesn't get the ten-year green card (which he can't if you don't cooperate) he will have to go back to Colombia.
Definitely call INS. You can look up contact info online, there may be some information in the government section of the local phone book.

I have some friends from Argentina who were dropped on green card applications by a former employer. Luckily they had just moved to a different H1B Visa with a new employer. There's a chance he'll be able to find a loophole to stay in the country--but at least he wont be tied to you.

I hope that you are able to come to a speedy resolve on this matter. It sounds like you drew the short straw on this deal--but it sounds like you are a smart lady and I wish you the best!
Report him to INS, ASAP!!!! And tell them you will NO longer be sponsoring him!!!

The sooner the better!!! After all, YOU are responsible for his actions in this country!!!
Unfortunately, at this stage you cannot ';resign.'; In order to immigrate him from Columbia, you signed an affidavit agreeing to financially support him. The federal government views it as your responsibility and can go after you if he seeks public benefits. Honestly though, it is uncommon for them to do so.

Since your husband already is a conditional resident, he may be able to obtain permanent residency without your assistance. You are not even needed at the final interview! If you are divorced at the time, he can show up himself and have the conditional status removed IF he can show that it was a bona fide marriage.

If it was not a bona fide marriage-- his application may be denied and he will be subject to deportation. If you believe you have been wronged, stop signing documents for him! He may be using your signatures to create a paper trail to convince the immigration service that the relationship is real. Contact USCIS ( and let them know what is going on. Send a letter detailing what happened. That is the most you can do.
report him and don't sign any more papers!

Good luck to you. I am sorry you met this jerk and that he has hurt you.
I do hope there isn't any children involved in this situation if there isn't. Report this creep to the immigration people ASAP

We do not seem to have these problems in the UK so i cant give you a positive answer sorry.

Good Luck
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