Monday, December 28, 2009

Can a British husband of a Filipino nurse stay and work in the US with her?

I am a British citizen married to a Filipino lady. My wife and I will be going to the USA from the Philippines where she will work as a highly qualified nurse. How can I (a Brit) stay and work in the USA to be with my wife? What visa should I apply for?Can a British husband of a Filipino nurse stay and work in the US with her?
britishers can work legally in the usa and get residency status...there is no problem....u just have to apply for info to the concerned agency but do not have to wait for prior approval.Can a British husband of a Filipino nurse stay and work in the US with her?
slip in to the consulate and they will explain!! Personally i dont see a problem but it might be a drawn out affair with you putting everything on the table!! usa have a close tie with Philippines so it might be easier! good luck.
You can't just stay with her like that forever. First, you should get a visit pass to enter the US. Then, after your wife gets the American nationality, you can apply for the citizenship. But that will take quite some time. Right now, you can''t stay with her for too long. You can only stay a few months on a visit visa. Better find out with the American embassy in the UK or Phillipines (if that's where you are right now).

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