Monday, December 28, 2009

How can my husband get out of the Army?

He is in reception, waiting to go to Basic. He injured his shoulder which he has already had surgery on. He cant do pushups or anything using his arm.They just keep running MRI's on him. How can he get out?How can my husband get out of the Army?
tell him to be a deserterHow can my husband get out of the Army?
Allow him serve till retirement if he so desires. If you attempt to pull him out by forcing him to put in a retirement notice, it might have a negative psychological effect. Otherwise there is no way out, and desertion from the armed forces is an offence under sevice and other laws.
Tell him to tell them he's started seeing little fluffy, pink rats running around the room! They'll be only too glad to get him out after that! :-D
he joined he should serve
If he has a legitimate injury let them run their MRI's. It's not like they are going to send him to Iraq if he's hurt. He will eventually get out with some sort of disability 20, 30 maybe 75%....whatever it might be and based off that percentage he will get a check for the rest of his life. It's well worth waiting it out. However if he is just trying to screw the government...and I said ';IF'; then he should be put on a front line somewhere. I have 9 years of service and now receive a check for disability for an injury.
This should help you:
The army docs will make the determination.

Love Jack
The government is required to see to it that he is repaired or fixed to the best they can until then he is and should just wait it out, I know it is a pain in the butt. However it will be worth the wait in the end. In the long run he can get a check for the rest of his life for a certain amount of disability, depends on what they rate him at. It is service connected and all. I done my 20 yrs in the USMC and was retired then put into a TRDL(temporary retired disabled list) and later PDRL(permant retired disabled list) medical discharged and now am 100%. I could go back into the civial life and work, my mind wants to but my body is unable to cash that check but a lot easier to cash uncle sams now days.
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