Monday, December 28, 2009

Why is my husband less interested in normal sex?

We never had kids. We love each other very much. My husband had a vasectomy, got tested, and is nearly 100% sterile. Whenever we have sex, he wants to use condoms or do other sexual acts that doesn't involve unprotected penetration. He said he isn't sure that they're aren't effective because there had been stories of women getting pregnant after their men had vasectomies.

Why is my husband less interested in having sex without a condom?Why is my husband less interested in normal sex?
Ignore the answers from people who never had a vasectomy, or do not even know what a vasectomy is. They do not have a clue for lack of experience with it.

I can answer your question from experience. He is not being weird at all.

I had a vasectomy back when I was 21. I never had children. I am extremely scared of getting anyone pregnant. I used condoms from the age of about 15. When I had a my vasectomy at age 21, I had been using condoms for six years. I was not just going to give them up like that. I used them for about a year after my surgery. Your hubby may just be like me.

I also get my semen checked for sperm every five years. I still use condoms sometimes (new partners), because I am single.Why is my husband less interested in normal sex?
Did he use condoms before he got ';fixed'; if he did maybe he is playing it safe. I have a buddy of mine that still thinks he can get his wife pregnant and uses condoms still. Remember nearly 100% isnt 100%. Give him the benefit of the doubt

a) he has something you don't know about, or

b) he suspects you may have something that he doesn't want to get

The 'vasectomies aren't 100%' story is just a cover-up. There's something else going on.
he sounds weird i can see wanting to have sex other ways just for the fun of it but i don't think that's his reason. All i can say is its a good thing you two love each other very much because you will need it.
Because he doesn't want to join all the other morons out there who populate the world with their unwanted offspring. Why are you questioning something that sounds perfectly rational?
hi how r u.

im pandu from hyderabad.

1.ithink u r husband is insequred some thing'''' he had not full satisfied with out condom..

3.he had not helathy about some health problems
VD issues
Either he is just being safe or has cheated on you and caught an std and dont want you to get it.
NEARLY sterile is NOT 100% sterile.......he doesn't want any kids....that's why he wants to use a man.
He's not weird at all. He's just being cautious and safe.
STD's may be what he is thinking about.
sounds like he does not want to spread a disease he caught...

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