Thursday, December 31, 2009

How often should i expect a phone call from my husband in basic training?

my husband left for basic training for the air force a couple days ago. I know they aren't able to use the phones very often but i was just curious to know how many times he may be able to call. Ive had my phone by my side constantly waiting for a call but i haven't received one yet. We have a 2 year old daughter and she keeps asking where daddy hopefully these 9 weeks go by fast!How often should i expect a phone call from my husband in basic training?
he will prolly call you on sunday to give you his address so you can write to him. I got around a phone call a week. My husbands basic was only 6weeks and that last week he called me more since they had more time. It really depends on the their behavior and TI. Keep on the lookout for area code [210]. I hope you hear from him soonHow often should i expect a phone call from my husband in basic training?
i kind of felt the same way. my oldest brother is in the air force and two of my other brothers are in the marines, so im always happy when they call. but my brother that is in the air force is out of basic training so i see him just about every weekend, but he only got to call a couple times throughout his whole time there
Hey hun! welcome to military wifes life!!!

dont be suprised if you dont hear from him in the next 2 weeks and then you might get a short call on a sunday!

if you would like you can join the online military wifes community i belong to its

were always looking for new mwmbers
im a marine and it really depends im sorrie i know how it is any way good luck hang in there. by the way this wars poinless well its pointless on the aproach that we have picked or that bush has picked ne way hes finnally out though bush that is ne way good luck
they are allowed 1 phone call a week and i think they are limited to 10 mins a call. I hope your 9 weeks goes by fast as well and keep ur head up.
My boyfriend is A Marine.. and when you are In the USMC boot camp you only get 3 phone calls during those 3 1/2 months. One when He gets there. Around the 6 week and a week before he graduates.
I'm sure he will call as soon and as often as he can. It's not like he's out at a bar, he's got some strict rules he has to follow it's not like he is intentionally neglecting to call.
I wouldn't think he would be able to call more than once maybe twice a week. For your sake, I hope the time goes by fast as well!
It's usually on Sundays but sometimes they can sneak calls in. When my ex was in basic he called EARLY EARLY Sunday mornings.
he'll probably forget about you after a few weeks, so I would start looking for a new man. He won't call you either.F*** the neighbors or something
Every Sunday.

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