Monday, December 28, 2009

How Did You Feel About The Divorce Case Where The Husband Is Asking For $ For Giving His Ex-Wife His Kidney?

When it was found out she cheated on him, he is asking for $1.5 million for giving her his kidney years ago.

How do you feel about this? Is he right to do this?How Did You Feel About The Divorce Case Where The Husband Is Asking For $ For Giving His Ex-Wife His Kidney?

In my honest un-certified legal opinion:

He gave her the kidney under the precipice that she would remain his wife and honor the vows of their marriage. This quasi-contract was then breached when she cheated and divorced him. He is now entitled to the value of his kidney.How Did You Feel About The Divorce Case Where The Husband Is Asking For $ For Giving His Ex-Wife His Kidney?
This was bound to happen with no-fault divorces. In a divorce where you can show fault, the non-faulting party is compensated. In other words, if your spouse cheats on you, you have to prove it, but you'll get more in the property settlement. However in no-fault divorces who cheated on who doesn't matter. It's all just divided equally. So yeah, she's going to get more than she deserves, he wants to try to get some of it back. Makes sense, but really the lawsuit is just stupid.

These are also probably two people that claim they only want the best for their children, but continue to drag each other through the mud in plain view of the public and everyone that the children comes into contact with.
My understanding from the news media is that she is denying him visitation with his children and he's using this to get media exposure of that injustice and get contact with them.

';He claimed he was suing for the kidney because his wife is now denying him contact with their three children, ages 8, 11 and 14.';

An innovative solution to a genuine problem, but one that might get him assessed damages for filing a frivolous lawsuit.
Come on, he's not REALLY expecting to get his kidney back, he's just using this lawsuit to embarrass her by making public her affair.

It's a little tacky, and it's certainly a waste of money, but (it appears) she is the guilty party here, so who am I to say he shouldn't do it? Worse things have happened in divorce cases.
I think he can ';ask'; for anything. If a judge orders it, that would be news. Look at this site and you will see a ton of people with outrageous demands. The demands mean nothing unless the court orders it.
I understand the increased sense of emotional betrayal but believe his demands are over the top and would involve an indirect form of seling body parts.
He is absolutely wrong to do this.

Selling your organs, which is essentially what this becomes, is immoral.

He should move on with his life.
I can understand he is pissed because without him she would not be alive, and she turned out to use him, but a gift is still a gift.
He sounds like he is just angry over the cheating and is being childish in my opinion.
Sad case, first hurt now bitterness. I hope he can move on with his life soon, obviously she isn't worth it.

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