Thursday, December 31, 2009

How can my husband find a job as a convicted felon. He's in a halfway house now trying to find work. Trouble!!?

My husband has been gone since October 2007. He is in the final stages of bering away. He must find a full time job imediately in order to complete requirements at a halfway house so he can return home in February of next year. Please help. We have two beautiful boys who desperately need their daddy to come home.How can my husband find a job as a convicted felon. He's in a halfway house now trying to find work. Trouble!!?
Parole officers and prisons usually make arrangements for released people to find work - its usually part of the conditions of early release or halfway house. There are businesses that sign up to hire released convicts. He really needs to talk to whomever he has to report to -How can my husband find a job as a convicted felon. He's in a halfway house now trying to find work. Trouble!!?
He needs to contact the local workforce solutions office in your area. Once he goes in there he should apply for the project RIO program - Re-Integration of Offenders program. This program will help him by giving him referrals to employers who give ex-offenders a 2nd chance. The other thing he can do is dial 211 - this is a social service network line - and they can give him referrals to many services depending on what he needs - if it's employment they will tell him where else he can go, if it's $ for rent, they will give him sources...etc...

Best of luck to you and your family!
I know of a place here in SoCal called ';Working Wardrobes.'; I don't know where you are, maybe try the Salvation Army. The first place is designed to supply people with clothing and work. I hope you are able to find good resources in these trying times, and that your family lives happily ever after.
He should start out with simple labor - landscaping, painting, roofing, whatever. They hire anybody, and speaking english is a huge advantage. Then save enough money to start your own business in that field, and never worry about needing someone else to hire him again. want me to help him find a job? whats so hard? tell him to go apply like everyone else....also he can ask his parole or probation officer to refer him to a program or something that helps ex-cons get jobs. good luck.
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