Thursday, December 31, 2009

What happen when husband in love with other woman?

Can I know is there any sign and how does he act towards his wife. How long does the feeling of being in love last?What happen when husband in love with other woman?
How long does the feeling of love last? that is a really stupid question.What happen when husband in love with other woman?
He comes home late, doesn't answer his cell when you call, he is caught in lies, he comes home and doesn't talk to you, he never wants sex, he has a short fuse, he is always ';tired'; or he is ';stressed'; he doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything unless it is alone or with his buddies. All of these are signs check it out.

Good luck I hope he still loves you
The usual signs are that they don't appear interested in you anymore, they may pick fights, he acts as if he is disconnected. I don't know how long the feeling of being in love lasts, because love is not a feeling but a decision.
maybe something happened
what's the matter?

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