Monday, December 28, 2009

Can someone please tell me what to think about my husband newest weird idea?

My husband recently began thinking about getting circumcised. Oddly enough i've never been with a circumcised man and didn't really know how to respond when he told me he was thinking about having it done? Is it really any different at all? Will lovemaking feel different? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Well any answers/advice would help really.Can someone please tell me what to think about my husband newest weird idea?
I've never been with a man that wasn't circumcised, but I find it much, much more visually stimulating/pleasing. I just hate the look of an uncircumcised penis. As for feeling different, I wouldn't think you would feel much difference, if any, during sex. However, it's easier for him to keep clean, and men that do not clean themselves very well I've heard can have a slight smell to their penis if uncircumcised (bacteria gets caught in the skin folds). It's going to be very, very painful for him, though. If he does get it done, remember to keep vaseline on it to help it heal and keep moist.Can someone please tell me what to think about my husband newest weird idea?
It is much more hygienic, and also much more pleasurable for the female.
Circumcision is a very-low-danger operation, so worry not.

It will feel horrible (to him) for 2 weeks or so, but then, oh will he be happy!!!

No peeing off the toilet!

No cumming quickly (loses some of its sensitivity)

No infections

No nasty germs for you

Will get a bit bigger and a bit thicker

Well, that's what appened to me anyways (had it when I was 24, hard couple of days lol...) plus I am an MD. It is always better for everyone to have it all off... ;-)

circumsision isn't ment to be just for sex. It helps keep the old organ clean. It's good for his health and yours too.
being circumcised as an adult can be dangerous it can cause a man to bleed more compared to a baby. But it is a big difference between uncircumcised and circumcised. Being circumcised removes the extra meat and it makes it seem bigger and you get more pleasure. Being uncircumcised is just like not having that much pleasure and the mans penis seems smaller
Ive been with both circ'd and un circ'd and there is a difference, You loose a lot of sensation if he is circ'd because of the gliding action (sorry i cant think of another way to put it) simply is not there and it makes you dryer. Contrary to an answer before, it DOES NOT make it bigger if he does it, and personally i think that it is unnatural looking when it is circ'd. That being said, what are his reasons? Are they aestetic or for health? If he has health concerns he should see a dr who is informed about uncirc'd men.
It's much more dangerous for an adult male to have this done than a baby. He'll also lose sensitivity.
it is said too be alot more hygienic and better feeling for the woman but Ive never known that as i havent been with someone un circumcised
read these.

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