Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Caroline Kennedy cheated on her taxes, immigration laws and her husband, what do you think?

Like father like daughter.

Can we just throw all Kennedy's in jail now and be done with them? God has taken most but there are still a few left.

The family (Joe Kennedy) made their money by market manipulation and insider trading yet liberals still love this family. What gives?Caroline Kennedy cheated on her taxes, immigration laws and her husband, what do you think?
Liberals wished Bush dead, they are trash.Caroline Kennedy cheated on her taxes, immigration laws and her husband, what do you think?
Ummm, sorry to confuse you with the facts, but, Kennedy's family made their money initially during prohibition running illegal liquor.

In spite of their wealth, the entire family is very generous in giving to charity, and they look out (generally) for us poor slobs working in the trenches.

So to answer your question, ';what do you think?'; I have to say that you are full of it, and are merely ranting and baiting people.

What gives? you ask. I say the majority of the Kennedy Family gives. Gives money, time and service to the community and country.

Believe this : Not all liberals love the Kennedys.

Camelot was just a fantasy . Joe Kennedy was money and power hungry not only for himself but for his children .

As far as Caroline Kennedy , she is now irrelevant .she withdrew from wanting the senate seat left by Hillary Clinton and a New York congresswoman has been selected to fill the office.
What do I think? I think the Kennedy family have been good, dedicated public servants. They have done wonderful things for the country. Your comments about Joe Kennedy are not true at all and the comments about Caroline Kennedy are just unsubstantiated gossip. Shame on this small minded, mean spirited post!
On here all the time I read how bad the Super Rich are and they must be destroyed at least this is what most liberal people want.When will they open their eyes and see that these same people that they want to bring down are the people they love so much.Kennedy's have it breed into them just like a pit bull is to kill a Kennedy is to cheating on anything they can and then look you in the eye and tell you how bad cheating is or in most Kennedy;s cheating and being super Rich.
She obviously had something to hide. I don't understand how people think they can get through the vetting process, if they've got a skeleton or two hanging around in a closet. Whether Kerik or Kennedy or anyone else for that matter, if there is something you don't want being made public, then public office is not for you.

The fact that Caroline has been so evasive makes it worse, as to her decision not to seek that seat. If her hand was caught in the cookie jar, she needed to step up and take her lumps. So many Kennedys were never held accountable. By accepting responsibility, she would have likely come out smelling like a rose!
if God has taken most of them then they must be in heaven for all that good they have done to outweigh the bad

one does not have to divulge there charitable contributions or even claim them on their taxes....like my grandma said to claim charity it's like profitting from someone elses poverty, hence the percentage you get back, charity is from the heart not to see how soon it will fill pocket book later
I think you fools that idolize the bush family yet whine about the kennedy's are a bunch of hypocrites.

I think you're spending much too much time listening to hate radio. The Kennedy's are good people. Ted Kennedy is widely respected in Congress and is considered to have done more than some presidents.
They admire the freakish, triple decker foreheads of the Kennedy family.

Talk about a family of Frankenstein-alikes.
I'm not Caroline (Kennedy) Schlossberg fan, but it's pretty juvenile to go around claiming she cheated her taxes and on her husband without a source. All I've read is that she MAY have but have not seen any evidence.
A Kennedy cheat on their taxes?

A Kennedy cheating at anything?

Say it isn't so.

And to Amber (first responder) perhaps you should go through Yahoo Answers and see how many times liberals wished people dead.
Joe actually made his money as a rum runner with friends like Al Capone and the Mafia. She has that typical rich girl Kennedy attitude.
I'm liberal and I don't like Caroline Kennedy? Neither does my democratic governor... Politics is politics. Get used to it.
I thought the Godsent Obama's took the place of the Kennedys.
As long as they (Liberals) benefit from insider trading - it is OK............

But if a man makes an honest living - then he needs to be taxed to death.
It's obvious that you know absolutely nothing about any Kennedy other than what right wing bloggers tell you.
I smell a spot in the Obama administration.
Dude...she's a Kennedy
Dead Kennedy is on his last legs... DLTDHYOYWO
Wow, with those credentials she could be next Speaker of the House.. Pelosi beware !!
no. But I like the throwing in jail part and be done with part........

FOR YOU !!!!


Cite your source!
Sounds like my kind a woman!

Not to marry of course but to you know... have fun with.
only conservatives would wish people dead..

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