Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My ex ,her husband past away 8 days ago. He was a very good person. How do i ask her for a 2nd chance?

We were married for only one year. I am divorced for 6 year. We do have a son together and he is 8 Years old. I still Love her. What must i do? When must i tell her?My ex ,her husband past away 8 days ago. He was a very good person. How do i ask her for a 2nd chance?
8 days is such a short time to even be thinking about getting into another relationship, give her time to mourn and get over her loss. if its meant 4 the to of you to get back together you will but I don't think now is the time to say anything to her just yet.My ex ,her husband past away 8 days ago. He was a very good person. How do i ask her for a 2nd chance?
Send her a card with your condolences and tell her that you care and that if she needs anything to just ask.

It is going to take her some time to get over her loss so don't try and make a move too fast. Instead just be there and be a good friend to her. In time when she is ready to date again, she will see the kind of person you have been to her and whatever is meant to happen will go from there.
Dude, you need to really think about this. You shouldn't ask her to get back with you or anything close to that just yet. Let her grieve and cry and grieve some more. Give her a long time to get over the loss she just went through. Don't be a fool and jump right in asking her back. Work on your friendship for a long time and see how that goes. (smile)
Be supportive, tell you're there for her and back off.

Everyone grieves at a different speed, so it might be a while until she's ready to hear anything romantic. Suggest she attend grief therapy, which may help recovery.

Patience and more patience is what's called for. Good luck.
Be here friend, if it leads to more then great, if not remember that no matter what you still have to see her the rest of your life, so tread lightly and be carefully.
She needs tiem to greive, just be there for her right now dont add to her stress and emotion give her time.
support her and let her grieve. you don't want to ask for her back when her husband just passed away?
Wow, give her at least several months.
are you a suspect to a murder? should you be?
Give her time...always be there next to her,she'll notice ur intention... and well who knows... :D

wow this is so sweet!!! :D

Good luck!! :D

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