Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does a Greek husband and Portuguese wife work for marriage?

My next door neighbors are just that and they have a child. He is a psycho and is cheating and she looks miserable. They have been to therapy but he is getting violent. The problem is that she is kina crazy too now hitting on all the guys in the area.

Any experiences with similar configurationDoes a Greek husband and Portuguese wife work for marriage?
I think any mix of races can work in marriage, just not any mix of people and personalities.Does a Greek husband and Portuguese wife work for marriage?
And why do you ask about nationalities? Doesn't make sense.

By the way, if they are both crazy they deserve each other. You may want to report them for child abuse though. But then that might not be a good idea because they will take away the child and you'll be responsible for it. Pray for them or maybe try to get the woman to a church. That might help.
i dont see how this has anything to do with one being Greek and the other Portugese. Maybe they're just not compatible as PEOPLE?

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