Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What can i do to make teething easier on my husband and i?

our 8 month old is starting get her bottom two teeth. you can see them breaking the gums. but her screaming, whinning, and pulling and clawing our faces is driving us crazy. we tried baby orajel and teething ring but nothing seems to help. mothers/fathers any suggestions?What can i do to make teething easier on my husband and i?
We started freezing different fruits that our lil ones liked. When they would begin teething we would give them a piece of frozen banana or orange and let them naw and suck on them and it seemed to help. Hope that helps....Freezing the teething rings was a change and worked for a lil while. Sugar free popicles are also a neat one....What can i do to make teething easier on my husband and i?
We are a 3rd generation Hyland teething tablet family. My granddaughter just cut her 8th tooth and we bought a vibrating teething toy at Wal-Mart. It worked good for the in between times. Good luck.
you can buy soother that you put in the fridge and they stay cold it helped with my son
consult your doctor before doing this but...rubbing rum or whisky on the gums is helpful. It puts the baby to sleep and soothes the pain.

Hyland teething tablets, they are safe, easy to give her, and really work. A damp washcloth that has been in the freezer works well also. good luck
Just give her something cold to chew on...maybe give her some infant tylenol to help with the pain. I let my baby chew on popsicles, with us holding it of course, nice and cold, plus she got some flavor.
Give her popsicles. It freezes her gums a little and of course she will think you are totally spoiling her. Everybody's happy! Oh, and clip her fingernails. Good Luck!
Ibuprofen and Hyland Teething Tablets.
with my kids,i used baby oragel and tylenol together to ease the pain.you know,give him some tylenol,then rub his gums with oragel.
let her chew on a cold, wet washcloth

came back to say I've heard frozen things are too hard on the gums and to put rings or cloths in the fridge. besides, they would be really cold to hold on to.
Hyland's Teething Tablets

keep a metal spoon in the freezer for her

wet a baby washcloth and freeze it

ice cube (or ';boob cube';) in a baby safe feeder (mesh feeding bag thingy)

stalk of cold, hard celery to chew on

massage her gums with your finger (you can also put on one of those nubby fingertip toothbrushes that they make for babies to do this)
what I suggest you do is cut a cool (temperature wise) pear up and give the baby a big chunk so that she can get the juice and its vitamins as well as relieving the pain from her gums. My baby is 15 months old and she is still teething so that is what I do and it works because then she doesn't have to taste the nasty Oragel. They sell these little nets with a gripper at the end and you can put food in them and that can also help with the sensation on her gums as well as her feeding herself. If all else fails you can dab a little Q-Tip soaked in rum and that will probably put her to sleep, but beware she'll wake up cranky and most likely with a headache from this.

Good Luck!!
frozen washclothes

diluted clove oil...

And for your husband a stiff drink...

[Ok and one more thing... I don't like to drug my baby but I breastfeed and I discovered that if *I* take two advil before bed with both sleep better. I had a headache from the screaming]

(It *should* be less than a week now and you will get a break)
teething tablets by Hylands

Frozen teething rings..


Infants Tylenol(yes you can give them it! to the first line on the dropper)
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