Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is there anyone who actually lived with their wife or husband before they got married?

Is there anyone that actually lived with their wife or husband before they got married? Do you think living with your significant other before you get married is a bad idea?Is there anyone who actually lived with their wife or husband before they got married?
I lived with my husband before we got married. From my ';generation'; it was considered ';normal'; to do that.

For me it was a no brainer...I was not going to buy a car without a test drive because if it was a lemon I am not buying it. it wasn't just the sex either; it was just trying to see if his everyday life and my everyday life would work well together.Is there anyone who actually lived with their wife or husband before they got married?
Didn't live with my wife before we married but feel I have a few points to suggest.

It is good for a man because he gets all the benefits he wants without an investment.

It is bad for a woman because she gets to perform all the benefits without gaining any investment. In other words, the woman can get pregnant, and is more likely to get the short end of the deal.

A woman's needs in a relationship includes security, companionship, and a future. Men often will not commit and it is time wasted for a woman while her clock is ticking. No, not every woman wants a marriage or children, but too often nowadays, the woman ends up with the children, no marriage and no support. Marriage is a contract that says the man is responsible for the family, and when it goes bad, he is still responsible for the kids. It should be that way.

The longer you live with a guy, the less time you have to build a permanent life with someone. And some people live together for years, and it still goes bad after marriage.

I say, commit or get out of the relationship after about 3 months. You will know all you need to know by then.

And marriage is only a lot of work if you are not well matched. So if you have a lot of problems while you are dating, marriage will only magnify that.
Life has no guarantees.

I lived with my x husband before we got married.

Our relationship was a disaster.

In a lot of situations living together can work out in a positive way.

Everything depends on the people involved in the situation and just how much effort they are willing to put into the relationship.
I think its a good idea. Gives you a better idea of what you are getting yourself into. But before you marry them you have to ask yourself if you can accept their flaws because they will NOT change. I lived with my husband 6 months before we married. And he does not like to clean or pick up much, so before we got married I had to ask myself if I could live with that. People just don't change. It takes time or it won't happen at all. I prefer to clean any ways, so I accept him in every way. And he does do better now, but a lot of people won't! They will stay the same.

Any problems you have have to be fixed before you get married. Marriage changes nothing. It does not change personalities.
i think its a good idea. we did and we almost didnt get married because of it. it really shows you what youre in for and trust me its not easy. no matter how long youve been dating everything changes the minute you move in or get married. its hard work and you really need to be completely comfortable with who the person is before you get married and you cant do that until you live together.
not at all you dont know a person until you live with them what they like what they dont you dont even know if yourealy like that person until you realy know how they are lol! i lived with my husband for 5 years before we got married it has been 10 years now and still going so no i dont think it is a bad idea! somthing for you to realy think about! good luck!
i did.........omg...... that is most definately a memory for me, i was 18 years old and in a big city it was so much fun but at the same time it was very scary. We had to get used to each others bad habits..i like the towel to be hanged up where it goes, and he liked to hang it over the door ugh, but for the most part it was fun learning experience... try it
there are lots of us.we lived together 3 yrs before we married. whether it's a bad thing or a good thing is up to the individual. what worked for us may not work for someone else. don't listen to what others say. if you want to live together, do it. if not, then don't
Yes i do think it's a bad idea but we moved in together anyways only because the house we were buying was ready to move in to now. Our wedding was in 5 months anyway so no harm no fowl. May 12th will be 30 years married.
I lived with mine. I do not think that it is a bad idea. My parents did not agree. They called me a whore but I did it anyway.
I think it should be madatory.....You can learn ALOT about a person by living with them.
We lived together for three years before getting married. Good idea.
It's the best idea! You dont ever really know someone until you live with them...
you gotta try before you buy!!!
my mums friends live together and there bf and gf and have lived 2gether for over 3 years.

its a gud idea
it worked for us
we did it

no regrets- it gave us a good insight into what marriage would be like

a nice stepping stone

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