Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why does my 11 month old pomeranian pee everytime my husband comes home.?

She only does this to him. He'll come in the door and she whines some , runs to him and then pee. He's never hit her. Why does she do this and how do I get her to stop?Why does my 11 month old pomeranian pee everytime my husband comes home.?
She sees in him the male dominant, and the pee will stop with time i'm afraid...Why does my 11 month old pomeranian pee everytime my husband comes home.?
How do you react when your husband comes home? Are you glad to see him or does your mood change. She could be picking up on your vibes? When my marriage was on the rocks and there was a lot of tension, I had a dog that started the same thing. It could be excitement to see him? Is he much taller than you? It could be his size intimidates her? Dont you wish we could ask them stuff?
Your doggy is just excited to see him!

Does he treat her very affectionately when he first comes home? With the whole, gogo-gaga kinds of stuff that a lot of people do with doggies?

If he does, he needs to ignore her when he first comes home. Let her calm down on her own, or she'll notice how excited he is to see her: and pee, as she has been doing.

Acting the way that some people do towards their pets shows a lack of control on your part, which isn't really a negative thing, unless something like your problem comes up. :-\

Also, for anyone who says that he abuses the dog...the dog would not run up to him if this were the case. It would hang it's tail between it's legs and run away from him. Get your facts straight, people!
She is excited to see him and at 11 may be losing some control over her bladder.

Check with the vet, but there may be no way to fix it other than putting her in a diaper before your husband comes home.
She just loves him so much that when he comes in she can't

hold it. She's excited to see him. Part of her is acting like a

wolf pup when the alpha male / female returns to the din. If

your husband will gently roughhouse with her it will build her

confidence and she wont be so timid with him. Make sure

that YOU are the one to keep her watter fresh and give her

the food. Make sure she sees you do it. Your husband can

give her treats only after hes been home long enough for the

pup to settle down. Now that's the way I would deal with it and

don't expect a change overnight, but it will come. Good luck.
he is afraid of him
when your husband comes to the door let the dog go out and your husband stay outside with him and he will probally go pee.I have a pom he is 2 now but he use to would not go out unless I went with him,Is your dog attached to him or you.
well, shes probably really excited to see him home, and when dogs r excited they pee. if he pets her over excessively when he gets home, then that can be the cause of the peeing
Sounds like an excitement pee, perhaps trying walking the dog just before your husband comes home.
she's excited that your husband is home. i dont know how to stop it, sorry.
I think she gets a little to excited...maybe talk to your local vet or someone who trains dog and see what advice they could give to stopping the problem good luck btw pomeranian's are adorable i want one! =]
and maybe she is afraid of your husband. or she gets nervous around him. or maybe she likes your husband.
It's called Submissive Urination. If you type ';Submissive Urination In Dogs';, in your search bar, it will bring up lot's of sites, that explain what it is, what causes it, and how to handle it. Everything you need to know about it, is right there!

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