Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can I get my divorce through base legal if my husband and i are in different states?

My husband is at camp pendleton and I am in illinois with our son. We want to file for divorce but he said he talked to base legal and they told him that he cant file through them since I am out of state and that we'd have to do it through civilian courts. I want to make sure he isn't lying. can someone please help me out? I cant call base legal at the moment so i was hoping someone knew the answer.Can I get my divorce through base legal if my husband and i are in different states?
No you cant. The Military legal will not help with divorces, I tried this avenue once.

You have to hire a civilian lawyer or use one of those do it yourself divorce kits...try legal zoom.com.Can I get my divorce through base legal if my husband and i are in different states?
No, he isn't lying he needs to get a private attorney before he can file. The Military nor JAG deals with the actual divorce. It is handled by civilian courts because it's a civilian matter not a Military one. Even if they did do divorces it would still go through the civilian courts to be finalized because they don't have jurisdiction.

It sounds like his JAG office helps with the initial paperwork in some cases, honestly he shouldn't complain because most JAG offices don't even do that anymore and just refer people off post regardless of situation. .
I do believe he is correct. JAG will help with uncontested divorces, as far as preparing the paperwork and all, but they do not offer any legal representation whatsoever. And both parties have to be in the same state.

You can file in IL if you are a resident. You can do the papers/divorce on your own as long as it isn't contested.

This link might help: http://document-do-it-yourself-service.c鈥?/a>
JAG will not help you in divorce, they will recommend a civilian lawyer to you and you have to do it all yourself He is not lying.
He isnt lying my now husband went through the same thing since his ex wife was in another state he couldnt go through base. He was stationed in Hawaii and had to go through the Hawaii courts it only took 60 days
no. JAG does not handle civil cases. you must use a civilian lawyer.

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