Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can my husband and I have children?

We want to have children but our doctors, family, friends, EVERYONE is telling us its impossible. (Is that true?) Anyways, we wanna have kids really bad but and we have been trying for 2 years but we can't. Is there anyway besides getting major surgery or changing to the opposite sex? We want the kid to have both of our genes. So please can you help us?

Sincerely, Ben and RogerHow can my husband and I have children?
The only thing I can think of is a surrogate mother.How can my husband and I have children?
If you truly expect an answer, (and I think that you DON'T) then don't toy with the community. You can't both contribute DNA to a baby; but like on soap operas,if you BOTH have sex with a woman on the same day and she has twins, then MAYBE one of them has his genes and the other has yours....oooh, but what about that pesky WOMAN!!!?!
a surrogate mother...
adopt a gay monkey.
Send me your sperm and I'll have your baby!

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