Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What should my husband and I do this weekend?

So first off my husband and I never go on dates and this weekend the 15th we are going to celebrate Valentines/ 4 years together. We are going to watch a friends kid on valentines and they are going to watch ours on the 15th. So I really would like some ideas of what we can do.. you know take advantage of this rare occasion. Thanks!What should my husband and I do this weekend?
Dinner then straight to a hotel room with a hot tub.What should my husband and I do this weekend?
if he has to work that day...leave him a note in the car that you will be excited to see him, when he gets home...leave him a note where ever the first place he would see it, to shower and you will be ready for dinner...leave a note in the bathroom to meet you at 'your fave place for dinner' or a new place, then make sure you have something 'new and sexy ' to wear- go buy a wig, stockings,....then meet him at the restaurant.....at the end of your meal, tell him you have to potty, have him pay the bill, you leave a note with the cashier to meet you at 'a hotel' with a hot tub and bottle of your fave drink....let nature take its course
Just being alone without the kids for a while is going to be rewarding, have a few drinks get loose and have wild crazy sex that you both will remember for a while till you get your next date out.

I guarantee he's going to hire babysitters more often!
Go for a balloon ride

then order pizza on the beach

then go tombestoning


random ideas :)
the only thought that comes to mind is from a great song '; lets get it on';

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