Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can my husband get his ITIN after he has lost his card.?

My husband has an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). But he has lost it and doesnt know the number. How can he get a new card sent to him? and will it be here in time to do our taxes?How can my husband get his ITIN after he has lost his card.?
If your husband had his taxes prepared somewhere- go to that tax prep place and see if they have a copy on file (most reputable places will make copies for their files.) If not call the ITIN unit of the IRS and see how fast they can send out a replacement card.How can my husband get his ITIN after he has lost his card.?
Call the IRS at 1-800-908-9982 and answer the security questions. they will tell the number over phone as well as issue a new notice with the number.

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Call the IRS and ask for a replacement LETTER. The IRS doesn't send out cards anymore. Too many people confused them with Social Security cards.

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